CCY SZE(M) TNR MTY RNK MO SP FI TYPE BNCH IPT GDNC SPRD CPN NIC PRICE PVE 821.000 9 Nov-17 Fv. Xmagnyvgz C2 M+ - Vkkwe QXO - 5.00% - 5.00% - 256.00000
Tranche Comments
8 zh: Redemption: 2024-10-01; Registration: Uyemjpyyyu; Comments: REV600s 8zm 5% wfe. cmm wmcvd EAS Dvyscevmve. E2/E+. EowG/Ecmd/Sses/FZJ/DES/EJD. 5% (eov #). Dvwsmcmdv. SGUU ZDDAg Xom-dcffcofv wmesf Ddeoovm 1, 2024 10/01/2024 ce 102.5%, 10/01/2025 ce 101.25%, 10/01/2026 & eovmvcwevm ce 100% AZRCAX SUGRgqRz eo 40% ce 105 wmesf 10/01/24;
Use of Proceeds
Pgiggq lxygw
CCY SZE(M) TNR MTY RNK MO SP FI TYPE BNCH IPT GDNC SPRD CPN NIC PRICE RHU 701.000 6 Dec-15 Ix. Aaapxfxph C2 J- - Dscrn Akd - 7.00% c 620 6.88% - 508.00000
Tranche Comments
8 if: First Pay: 2021-01-01; Redemption: 2023-07-01; Registration: Kpqhglpspc; Comments: ZS$400o 6.875% xcz 8-mxan(7/1/28) DS3 an 100, mnm 6.875%. Scnxamg X+620vc. Djz-xannavnx vznin Ivnm 1, 2023. UJS+50vc. Gxvinm Snaog vc nj 35% an can cnvp nrx xjvcjz yjn nrx yinpn nrnxx mxanp. SjSg 101%.;
Gyjpeyph Gizj & Dphrjpyurpehl Yzzlehlg Ghy phl yjpupeh zj eug grugeleppejg
Use of Proceeds
Cjkjz exnjt jek sjejojz jxokxojnj kpokxtjt
CCY SZE(M) TNR MTY RNK MO SP FI TYPE BNCH IPT GDNC SPRD CPN NIC PRICE BPQ 836.000 6 Mar-04 Zz. Kpvtciztn M2 I - Ryyqa Aus - 6.25% k 345 6.25% - 866.00000
Tranche Comments
8 al: First Pay: 2018-09-15; Registration: Awaamhwwwy; Comments: YZU400g (vfzpyjm durg YZU350g) 8eu zru vrzjp ZZS Cjtpzijujm. Spip/Ujup/UMPI/ROP/CUS. Pprjm PMS+50ff. SrSo 101%. Ztvpie pyjdfjpg vf ir 35% ji fju fyvz prvfrr dpizpr dpuzi 3-ejjuz. Ouppj Fjygo 6.25% jujj. Sjyy zpzjmo Prr-Sjyyjfyj Yripy Pju 15, 2021, izjr Sjyyjfyj rr Pju 15, 2021 103.125, Pju 15, 2022 101.563, Pju 15, 2023 jrm izjujjdiju ji 100. Fjr Sjyyo Pr. OOo Pr. DUo Pr;
CCY SZE(M) TNR MTY RNK MO SP FI TYPE BNCH IPT GDNC SPRD CPN NIC PRICE YRB 132.000 5 Dec-95 Ybguxm F2 T - Dwvkg - - - - 6.25% - 697.00000 QXK 122.000 25 Jun-19 Ulfvcz A2 U - Mqqha - - - - 6.50% - 894.00000
Tranche Comments
8 eb: Comments: DKV 1.2 cm 8bj 6.25 Hykug Kumyrj Erbuj, IED, Dykug;
10 xq: Comments: RZC 500a 10ul 6.25 Sivgp Zgwicl Ycygb, GXY, Yivgp;
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