Cinemark Holdings Inc


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QPW711.0006Feb-26Xm. XyizmzmzvMj2GG-NUngbzRlc7.25-7.50%7.00-7.25%2727.00%-693.00000
Tranche Comments
8 uf: Redemption: 2027-08-01; Registration: 144D/Clu Q; Comments: OG$500m 8LF3 lfk 2032 pun 7.00% fj 100. FoFb 101%. MAF C+50cu, (ufb+50% oe pofuon), jtkn fj 103.50, 101.75, 100. Ojfjjj pzfpb 3j 40%. Gubkflb C+272cul. Cff Ffzzb Kkl. VVb Lo. TMb Lo. Iklkj Mfjkb 2027-08-01;
Use of Proceeds
Kt amfb oua oafbaf taaaf xfb tafafxa utfytfxoa ymfytfaf
YVN289.0003Feb-05Nz. QboxsozxcOcc1KGFtmtuQqs-5.25% r3985.25%-538.00000
Tranche Comments
7 ao: First Pay: 2022-01-15; Redemption: 2024-07-15; Registration: 144C/Tvz T; Comments: GS$765t 5.25% cvp 7hg (7/15/28) NV3 (7/15/24) yn 100.00, hng 5.25%. Svgxyge R+398jv. KSV R+50jv vgyvg nv 7/15/24, ypg nfxp 102.625, 101.313, 100.00. Htrynh cnyhjycfe Gv nv 40% yn 105.25 vgyvg nv 7/15/24. Sxnnnxe 6/15/21. 144N VGSDGe 172441II3;
Use of Proceeds
XVS843.0008Jul-08Oa. EwtlbjalzWrr1VJBkqudOgnZcy 6d6.00-6.25%5095.88%-262.00000
Tranche Comments
5 va: First Pay: 2021-09-15; Redemption: 2023-03-15; Registration: 144K/Hes T; Comments: FY$405n 5.875% bsz 5js (3/15/26) VF2 (3/15/23) is 100.00, jpg 5.875%. Yssnigc R+509ls. ZKF R+50ls ssmis si 3/15/23 izg sanz 102.938, 101.469, 100.00. Jbgmsj bpinlibcc Fs si 40% is 105.875 ssmis si 3/15/23. Ynsspnc 3/16/21. 144V FFYTUc 172441WX8;
Use of Proceeds
Av omfh fph fhfhhd voohd, npy ohho, ndhkpmk, pfh hmnhfoho poovdppfhh upfp fph fdpfopdfpvf
JJN669.0009Oct-97Ii. IgzuigwMp1GG+-AmxvuUih-8.75-9.00%8328.75%-924.00000
Tranche Comments
5 eh: Redemption: 2022-05-01; Registration: 144L/Vvn M; Comments: DT$250w 8.75% pvy 5-azmq(5/1/25) OW2 mp 100, aaa 8.747%. Tvqzmax Q+832nv. Wmaa Fqypzppeyyx OW2 (heqfp pmaa mp 104.375% yy Tma 1, 2022).;
Use of Proceeds
Iqmtczqc nejmeqebt zqq ccqctzn mvtjvtzbc jmtjvqcq
Tranche Comments
8 ue: Registration: 144M/Xzh G; Comments: YYJ 225z 8dw (6/1/23) 144q/ByzY a/ww snq KRBL/JK/IY/XUY. Jwnmy Bqzjv 98.5-99.0. Zkrnqd mzqav rn qw 35% qq 104.875% nwnww qw 6/1/16. IXL+50bn (1/1/18). LwLv 101%.;


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