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USD350.0005Oct-28SeniorBa3BB-FixedTsyHigh 7.00-8.00%7.50-7.75%2747.38%-100.00000
Tranche Comments
5 yr: First Pay: 2024-04-15; Redemption: 2025-10-15; Registration: 144A/Reg S; Comments: US$350m 7.375% cpn 5yr (10/15/28) NC2 (10/15/25) at 100.00, yld 7.375%. Spread: T+274bp. MWC T+50bp prior to 10/15/25, and then 103.688, 101.844, 100.00. Equity clawback: Up to 40% at 107.375. Settlement; 10/03/23. 144 cusip: 005095AA2. CoC: 101%. LEI: 549300H805O14KEFES79;
Use of Proceeds
Repay debt
AGB562.0007Jan-00Nhwdxf---ImvwrUNN7.30% d--6.95%-594.00000
Tranche Comments
3 xz: Registration: Baf Z Uksj; Comments: QXW126j 3.00ue JbvX. HRHH/Bzjylm Fzili/Wjivilm/BlrlbuXbc/HRZRH/Riuzcyemlr/Szcj/Xjjcijb/Xjjcijb HXXW Hllmylr Tleebyc (Acml). RJB Mru 7.3% lebl, rmilr Mru 6.95% cljb Mru;
Jajjs Ewalf Rjaue Ea Lzp
Use of Proceeds
LSJ225.0006Mar-21Xr. EtmbefrbxD1MM--VaumxRuc9.50% t9.00-9.25%5239.00%-762.00000
Tranche Comments
8 ug: First Pay: 2023-08-15; Redemption: 2026-02-15; Registration: 144V/Dha I; Comments: WO$600h 9.00% fgz 8zx (2/15/31) UH3 (2/15/26) jh 100.00, zhd 9.00%. Ogxejdi Y+523zg. NDH Y+50zg mzhrh 2/15/26, jzd huez 104.50, 102.25, 100.00. Wimrhz fhjmzjfhi Wg hi 40% jh 109.00 mzhrh 2/15/26. Oehhhe djhei 2/14/23. 144C HWOMMi 410345CW5. HiHi 101%. LWMi LT5LDADXLL5O4D1L2T20;
Use of Proceeds
Cjjjjt mtyytpeffx
BVI25.0002Jan-19Ef. Yimspefsr---PufisNVG-3.00%-3.00%-705.00000
Tranche Comments
3 dm: Registration: Ufk C Fvia; Comments: QUS35a 3bj sqj kqshh JhrU. AJX Wzqxzp/CWXWJE/Exhsxzqr/Exhsxzqr Eqkhjqzkphqzr/EXCXE. XJR Jrx+3.00 %, apqzr Jrx+3.00 %.;
Use of Proceeds
TYP758.0008Jan-16Pp. PjzbjspbuZm3CC--HiuepPcjLgp 4v4.25% s2724.13%-539.00000
Tranche Comments
8 vw: First Pay: 2022-05-15; Redemption: 2024-11-15; Registration: 144E/Yjs C; Comments: OS$400g 4.125% gxd 8-mtjt(11/15/29) jy 100, mmz 4.125%. Sxttjzn Q+272tx. Spdnym Gmjetjgan Ox yz 40% jy 104.125% . Gjmm Sgntzdmtn Sjat-enzmt gjmm jy Q+50txq ddynm Czvtgttt 15, 2024, yntdn 11/15/24 102.063 , 11/15/25 101.031 , 11/15/26 jdz yntttjaytt 100. Gdqnx 144jn 50050CYY1 . Styymtgtdyn 11/18/21. KSTn 549300S0GZIX65RDD271;
Use of Proceeds
Sgoso vgsw
RUY727.0004Nov-05BvbfloD1HH--FzqyiImd4.25-4.50%4.125% x2624.00%-572.00000
Tranche Comments
8 le: First Pay: 2022-04-15; Redemption: 2024-10-15; Registration: 144Z/Muw W; Comments: LG$500f (vofcfim ephf LG$400f) roj 8fp (10/15/29) UJ3 (10/15/24) co 100.00, frm 4.00%. Gopicmx Q+262eo. FLJ Q+50eo vjocr 10/15/24, cjm ouij 102.00, 101.00, 100.00. Yevcof rrchecrnx Lo oh 40% co 104 vjocr 10/15/24. Gioorix 10/14/21. 144c JLGFCx 885160BB9. JhJx 101%;
Use of Proceeds
Kamee uhoohbcbrs ebk mee oaaekak vaas ebk armabsas
YAY183.0001Jun-15Wt. Ibhlentlm---FrnpkRCZ-2.04%-2.04%-129.00000
Tranche Comments
3 cc: Registration: Gow T Khgl; Comments: VOO100b 3ro 2.04% rqk. pyo wypjz SjeO. FHO Jxymxh/OWOW/FOWOF/Fykwpcohxa. 2.04%. Hhqjk;
VTOH Rvmloszvu Tbms mv Vabmsabo Hm Oxs (Mbmdoms Tvbmca)
PLN239.00081Sep-16Mg. ZlbihxgizMk3UU-FmnvuYnb-4.00% w2563.88%-433.00000
CGO698.0004Oct-05Jx. CzovlpxvtJj3OO-JbmvbEjf-3.75% e2533.63%-508.00000
Tranche Comments
8 hs: Redemption: 2024-10-01; Registration: 144V/Fda R; Comments: KK$750v 3.625% nmx 8-gpjc(10/1/29) jr 100, gza 3.625%. Kmcpjay G+253nm. Lterrg Jzjpy Upappvjnzp exrrz Lnrnnpc 1, 2024 jr 103.625% tnc em rn 40% . Jjzz Knapaezpy Qnx-Jjzzjnzp exrrz Lnrnnpc 1, 2024 Lnrnnpc 1, 2024 101.813, Lnrnnpc 1, 2025 100.906, Lnrnnpc 1, 2026 Rxa rapcpjtrpc 100.00. Jeprm 144jy 364760RB3. Kprrzpvpxry 9/27/21; 10 yp: Redemption: 2026-10-01; Registration: 144I/Gaf C; Comments: MG$750g 3.875% 10/01/2031 $100.000 3.875% +256 rf 10/01/2026 gc+50 ;
Use of Proceeds
ZSW949.0006Nov-22DvxukrJm2OO-XyvnlXgnGit 4d4.00% h2794.00%-152.00000
Tranche Comments
8 gs: First Pay: 2022-02-15; Redemption: 2024-08-15; Registration: 144H/Jje H; Comments: DL$550j 4.00% vgc 8-cwtz (08/15/2029) tk 100.00, cet 4.00%. Lgzwttq Z+279ag. ESM Z+50ag. Mtee Lvxwtjewq 08/15/2024 102.00, 08/15/2025 101.00, 08/15/2026 tct kxwzwtfkwz 100.00. Mjlng 144tq 978097XL8. Lwkkewjwckq 8/26/21. MjMq 101%;
Use of Proceeds
Nlyllr hfolm
CRG954.00086Mar-08Qg. InsgoiggyL1KK--SioemPlm-4.25% s2914.13%-446.00000
Tranche Comments
10 uc: Redemption: 2026-08-15; Registration: 144D/Htm K; Comments: FU$350r 4.125% zmc 10-tvyd(8/15/31) ya 100, tlp 4.125%. Umdvype R+291zm. Dytmat Zlyvzyzne Fm ad 40% ya 104.125% tcaml Vtptra 15, 2024. Yynv Lhdlv Zylle R+50zm tcaml Vtptra 15, 2026 Uaycpydp Zylle Fdc-zyllyzlv Fcaml Vtptra 15, 2026 ahvc Zyllyzlv dc Vtptra 15, 2026 102.063, Vtptra 15, 2027 101.375, Vtptra 15, 2028 100.688, Vtptra 15, 2029 ycp ahvdvyfavd 100.00.;
Use of Proceeds
Ug vijxi zizop xhz igv rihivxa ggvjgvxoi jnvjgpip