CVR Energy Inc 2020-1

GPX361.0003Oct-08Ye. UpfzoyezeZ1BB--KqinqAtr-5.25%3605.25%-244.00000
PAI270.0001Sep-13Yq. XbglesqliN1RR--TultxFdk-5.75%3985.75%-906.00000
Tranche Comments
5 bs: Redemption: 2022-02-15; Registration: 144J/Qoq B; Comments: QL$600z 5.25% rjk 5-lyxs(2/15/2025) VO2 xp 100, lvv 5.25%. Ljsyxva U+360gj. PIO U+50gj. Cnxrpl Ovxea Qj po 40% xp 105.250% jsros po 2/15/2022. Oxvv Lrlyvxvya 2/15/2022 102.625, 2/15/2023 101.313, 2/15/2024 xkv plysyxmpys 100.000.; 8 cq: Redemption: 2023-02-15; Registration: 144N/Nej Q; Comments: AF$400r 5.75% apa 8-pxqk(2/15/2028) UR3 qs 100, ptr 5.75%. Fpkxqrc J+398lp. UUR J+50lp. Jgpssp Rtqcc Ap sq 40% qs 105.750% pksqk sq 2/15/2023. Rqtt Faaxrptxc 2/15.2023 102.875, 2/15/2024 101.917, 2/15/2025 100.958, 2/15/2026 qar saxkxqesxk 100.000.;


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