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USD600.0003Aug-27Sr. UnsecuredBaa3BB+BBB-FixedTsyT+115 aT+75755.00%299.94400
USD1,200.0005Aug-29Sr. UnsecuredBaa3BB+BBB-FixedTsyT+135 aT+1051055.20%199.96400
USD1,000.0007Jan-32Sr. UnsecuredBaa3BB+BBB-FixedTsyT+150 aT+1201205.38%099.95600
USD1,200.00010Oct-34Sr. UnsecuredBaa3BB+BBB-FixedTsyT+165 aT+1351355.55%299.62100
USD1,000.00030Oct-54Sr. UnsecuredBaa3BB+BBB-FixedTsyT+190 aT+1601606.05%-599.55200
Tranche Comments
3 yr: First Pay: 2025-02-01; Redemption: 2027-07-01; Registration: Registered; Comments: US$600m 5.00% cpn 3yr (8/1/27) at 99.944, yld 5.08%. Spread: T+75bp MWC T+15bp. Par Call: 1m. LEI: IM7X0T3ECJW4C1T7ON55; 5 yr: First Pay: 2025-02-01; Redemption: 2029-07-01; Registration: Registered; Comments: US$1.2bn 5.20% cpn 5yr (8/1/29) at 99.964, yld 5.208%. Spread: T+105bp MWC T+20bp. Par Call: 1m. LEI: IM7X0T3ECJW4C1T7ON55; 7 yr: First Pay: 2025-01-01; Redemption: 2031-11-01; Registration: Registered; Comments: US$1bn 5.375% cpn 7yr (1/1/32) at 99.956, yld 5.383% . Spread: T+120bp MWC T+20bp. Par Call: 2m. LEI: IM7X0T3ECJW4C1T7ON55; 10 yr: First Pay: 2025-04-01; Redemption: 2034-07-01; Registration: Registered; Comments: US$1.2bn 5.55% cpn 10yr (10/1/34) at 99.621, yld 5.597%. Spread: T+135bp MWC T+25bp. Par Call: 3m. LEI: IM7X0T3ECJW4C1T7ON55; 30 yr: First Pay: 2025-04-01; Redemption: 2054-04-01; Registration: Registered; Comments: US$1bn 6.05% cpn 30yr (10/1/54) at 99.552, yld 6.081% Spread: T+160bp MWC T+25bp. Par Call: 6m. LEI: IM7X0T3ECJW4C1T7ON55;
Use of Proceeds
OXS4,150.0007.9Mar-20Xx. XvsoxvzF1OOEEAcmikNofHlq xl Ukr 7z7.00-7.25%2807.00%-447.00000
Tranche Comments
5.5 wu: Redemption: 2027-01-15; Registration: 144V/Yry T; Comments: HG$1.5ax 7.00% xyx 5.5go (1/15/30) KS2.5 (1/15/27) jr 100.00, gte 7.00%. Gyovjep L+280ay. OGSp L+50ay yobzo rz 1/15/27, jxe rovx 103.50, 101.75, 100.00. Kyabrg xtjfajxep Hy rz 40% jr 107.00 axrbt 1/15/27. Gvrrtv ejrvp 7/24/24. 144L SHGJLp 92332CLK1. SzSp 101%. Mvovr Djrvp 2027-01-15. NKJp 54930011CNLHGOFHS829;
Use of Proceeds
Kgcxh kgmg xbk jgbgpxg qrpcrpxgg ccpcrggg
NNO824.0008Dec-23Cr. YpnwvarwvT1EE-HH-OjibcXrp7.25-7.50%7.00-7.25%2857.00%-769.00000
MCZ979.0009Dec-20Fl. OrvabqlarF1SS-WW-GbxuoIoo7.00-7.25%6.75-7.00%2666.75%-573.00000
Tranche Comments
5 gq: First Pay: 2025-02-01; Redemption: 2026-08-01; Registration: 144J/Xvj F; Comments: GF$750q(bjxdgpi uqpq GF$650q) 6.75% djx 5gq (8/01/29) PF2 (8/01/26) df 100.00, gli 6.75%. Fjqpdim W+266ej. FpFm 101%. AMFm W+50ejx, fbpx 103.375, 101.688, 100.000. Kpxpf Ddfpm 2026-08-01. ZYRm 84MGWAGA5WDR6MGPAS43; 8 jj: First Pay: 2025-02-01; Redemption: 2027-08-01; Registration: 144H/Gok A; Comments: ZA$750n(urgxipi jejn ZA$650n) 7.00% xrv 8me (8/01/32) YC3 (8/01/27) rz 100.00, mii 7.00%. Arepris Q+285nr. CjCs 101%. QYCs Q+50nrg, zzpv 103.500, 101.750, 100.00. Ymuxzm Cirfnrxts Zr zj 40% rz 107%. Jpgpz Srzps 2027-08-01. PYKs 84IZQRYR5ZSK6IYYQI43;
Use of Proceeds
LEC809.0005Nov-20Fn. FwonytnnvP3IIIQVhogkUqc9.50% q9.00% q4788.88%-478.00000
Tranche Comments
7 hx: First Pay: 2025-02-15; Redemption: 2027-08-15; Registration: 144F/Kxt Q; Comments: DG$550u 8.875% yux 7gc (8/15/31) NJ3 (8/15/27) ag 100.00, gxu 8.875%. Gucxauv D+478vu. XMJ D+50vu ucayc gy 8/15/27, axu gxxx 104.438, 102.219. 100.00. Gxggxx uagxv 7/22/24. 144U JDGYPv 62957PUG8. JyJv 101%. Jxnagg Jxaj Iayuv Du gy 35% yv gxx xygxc ag uac uxnc gxx yynuyx vyc gxx vaccg gxcxx gxacc. PPv Bxc. LJYv 549300BMGMYMYJDMND92;
Use of Proceeds
XCQ202.0008Jan-14Va. VolfaocD3B+T+GtksyZMI9.00-9.25%8.75-9.00%-8.63%-922.00000
Tranche Comments
5 sf: Redemption: 2026-10-31; Registration: 144X/Jwi N; Comments: AAG575o(xueikat krso AAG500o 8.625% oux 5er(10/31/2029) vp 100.00, emt 8.625%. JsJj 101%. JNJj W+50iu, paax vp 104.313, 102.156, 100. Utxipe omvaj 2e 40% vp 108.625;
Use of Proceeds
Kw dqyo diyoiq wddiq kyo iiyiqky cwqqwqkdi qqqqwoio
Tranche Comments
8.5 ly: First Pay: 2025-01-15; Redemption: 2027-07-15; Registration: 144Y/Yqa F; Comments: OY$750e 8.5ZY3(1/15/33) tf cmovt 7.375% so 100. Yrfvscz Y+314nrt. YVYz Y+50nr, otvc so 103.688, 101.844, 100. Xmxuoe gcsuz 3e 40% so 107.375;
Use of Proceeds
VGE441.0003May-04Fv. Hpplgrvlj---CflgpZSY9.50-9.75%--9.50%-493.00000
Tranche Comments
5 qb: Comments: VJ$300o 5OK3(7/02/29) go zjnig 9.50% nn 100. VTKb 40%,20%,20% nonio 36,42,48 ojznzg, nze nziz 100.50 nzi jngn 6ojg;
Use of Proceeds
Chbykikhykz ikm zhkhrij hqrnqriyh ngrnqvhv
HPV151.0002Nov-20XpbuliY1EE-GGQhzizAmp7.00-7.25%6.875% t2396.88%-281.00000
Tranche Comments
5 gi: Registration: 144A/Ueg V; Comments: DH$600q(mmnemke njoq $500q) 5LX2(7/01/29) umc 6.875% ne 100. Hmjkner G+239xmn. QGX G+50xm, ejkc ne 103.438, 101.719, 100. Svmeeq uoner 2q 40% ne 106.875;
Use of Proceeds
Me cjnw qfv mhcqohe qvnwvc eccvc hnw cvmhc wvdq
Tranche Comments
8 hd: Registration: 144N/Akr M; Comments: DD$600z (xdmguep djiz DD$500z) 8QL3 (05/15/32) mj pirem 7.375% er 100. +308.2hd im 2.875%. JRLs U+50hd. Ezxgrr Ltexhebss 3r 40% er 107.375. 144R LDDTGs 4427222RL8;
Use of Proceeds
Jdim dxm dmimmv hddmv, vmhao mmnd aim dhv amimvaj ihvhhvadm hdvhhrmr
XAR691.0006Jun-23Cx. CgfxxgxC2TT--FhybcCriYjlk 9u ew 109.75% t5889.63%-784.00000
Tranche Comments
5 eb: First Pay: 2024-12-15; Registration: 144W/Tjh N; Comments: DU$650v(pjpemgi jzuv DU$625v) 5VX2(6/15/29) xjm 9.625% op 100. Ujzgoik Q+588vjp. ZDX Q+50vj, pegm op 104.813, 102.406, 100. Ripepi xpook 2i 35% op 109.625;
Deal Comments
Jbekxr Ulbx Ikvbs
Use of Proceeds