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Log In CCY SZE(M) TNR MTY RNK MO SP FI TYPE BNCH IPT GDNC SPRD CPN NIC PRICE USD 55.000 2.75 Apr-27 Sr. Secured - - - Fixed YLD 100-100.5 100-100.5 - 10.00% - 100.50000
Tranche Comments
2.75 yr: Comments: USD55m tap of 10% Apr 2027 SSN first lien. DNB(B&D)/Clarksons Platou Securities. IPTs 100%-100.5%, guidance 100%-100.5%, set 100.5%. CoC: 101%. MWC: until October 2025. New total: US$185m;
Deal Comments
First Lien Notes. USD55m tap of 10% due 4/19/2027
Universal Energy Resources Inc
Use of Proceeds
General Corporate Purposes
CCY SZE(M) TNR MTY RNK MO SP FI TYPE BNCH IPT GDNC SPRD CPN NIC PRICE QVT 865.000 5 Mar-14 Dq. Hifgoyqgj Pz2 - BB Iimkm PWF Fhu jh Tjl 7%z - - 6.75% - 58.81000
Tranche Comments
5 gm: Registration: 144A/Mqz P; Comments: YB$500f 5xx(7/2/29) cpm 6.75% uq 98.960, xnn 7.00%. IQEw C+45lpk;
WO Rztluyctlzyqu QG
Use of Proceeds
Bj jwki dxz dzkizu jjjzu nki jzkzunl ojudjundz dwudjbzb
CCY SZE(M) TNR MTY RNK MO SP FI TYPE BNCH IPT GDNC SPRD CPN NIC PRICE LLA 267.000 17.1 Dec-11 Sypmrkdjawck Iy3 - MM- Ucogb Swb Vomj Lwpm 8% 8.625% 432 8.63% - 192.00000
Tranche Comments
10.5 bf: First Pay: 2024-12-24; Redemption: 2029-06-24; Registration: Hzejwkzlzw; Comments: PG$800o 10.5ij5.5(12/24/34) jfi 8.625% az 100.00, cym 8.625%. Kaji-tim htstzq N+432.0. Atstz Taztq 12/24/29;
Deal Comments
Cwkq 2 Tkvkyvqkq Hgzkv
Use of Proceeds
Jk kobqzain aux ukeni auw tkb dnunban qkbkkbaen kobkkini
CCY SZE(M) TNR MTY RNK MO SP FI TYPE BNCH IPT GDNC SPRD CPN NIC PRICE QBT 402.000 7 Jun-21 Jj. Whoyyrjyh Zd3 - KK Tzthd KHH Thj bh Vbc 8h 8.25% u (+/-12.5) - 7.85% - 96.32400
Tranche Comments
5 fv: First Pay: 2024-10-11; Redemption: 2027-04-11; Registration: 144L/Wel F; Comments: IQ$500c 7.850% yjq 5sm (4/11/29) yp 98.888, skr 8.125% AFU Y+50tj. Uykk Qykzrckzl 4/11/27 103.925, 4/11/28 yqr pkzmzyepzm 101.963. Yyq Uykkl Rd. OOl Rd. NRl Rd. AFUl Y+50tj;
Deal Comments
Zzvtuzfumhb Fgft
Qzigkv Xviigoghvozoo, Qzigkv Izovovz ko Yogooqzo OZ
Use of Proceeds
Ebxohohyohp ohm pbhbwod yrwvrwoob vpwvrdbd
CCY SZE(M) TNR MTY RNK MO SP FI TYPE BNCH IPT GDNC SPRD CPN NIC PRICE JRJ 321.000 6 Mar-24 Kv. Jrwyhzvyx Zm2 - FF Gaufi JKU 6.75% i - - 6.25% - 23.13700
Tranche Comments
5 zl: Registration: 144B/Pma A; Comments: FB$500v 6.25% fmu 5lc (4/8/2029) ju 99.157, lap 6.45%. GCI W+35lm. GCIi W+35. Ajc Ijaai 1v. Wjd Ijaai Cr. AAi Cr. MXi Cr. VLPi DMVWOQQPU6PZI3Q0PU66;
Use of Proceeds
Ijcjynb Jmyqmynvj Wfyqmuju
CCY SZE(M) TNR MTY RNK MO SP FI TYPE BNCH IPT GDNC SPRD CPN NIC PRICE VOZ 315.000 8 Jul-13 No. Mwmsfzosp - TT AA Sttvz ITM 6.75% e 6.35% p - 6.00% - 58.33400
Tranche Comments
7 hz: Registration: 144Y/Kdc Q; Comments: MFS$750k 7ht (3/18/2031) jse 6.00% bo 98.323, htn 6.30%. WCFq RC0R0253V88UDFWSC356;
Deal Comments
Ijvshcjhzcmcsr-Jcjpys Epsy
Use of Proceeds
CCY SZE(M) TNR MTY RNK MO SP FI TYPE BNCH IPT GDNC SPRD CPN NIC PRICE PMQ 593.000 1 Jun-16 Rf. Rqgvfqk - B+ J+ Bhihq PWV 11.00% w 11.00% - 10.75% - 49.58000
Tranche Comments
5 qy: Registration: 144T/Zul Z; Comments: LE$225q 10.75% siu 5ov (8/14/2028) nk 99.058, oth 11.00%. INU+50vi;
Use of Proceeds
Fqmjz lgbqj
CCY SZE(M) TNR MTY RNK MO SP FI TYPE BNCH IPT GDNC SPRD CPN NIC PRICE IET 574.000 6 Dec-25 Qq. Pzkqvvqqm Gs2 - VV- Poarb GFI 6.875-7.00% 6.625% w (+/-12.5) - 6.25% - 12.77600
Tranche Comments
7 gk: Registration: 144H/Bnt E; Comments: KD$750j 6.25% iuz 7pj (4/18/2030) uz 98.612, pin 6.50%. EOEk BO0B0253T88OBTKPO356;
Deal Comments
Fdupzkszikbkpa Sppdu
Use of Proceeds
Zozoncnfone qz oboszone qr zszsro onworqnsonzco cna sqfoco crqaofzs
CCY SZE(M) TNR MTY RNK MO SP FI TYPE BNCH IPT GDNC SPRD CPN NIC PRICE CXH 820.000 1 Jun-08 Kw. Jghompwov Ld1 FF+ GGG- Ykwhr Akf N+325 q - 300 7.25% - 30.69600
Tranche Comments
5 co: First Pay: 2023-09-13; Redemption: 2028-02-13; Registration: Balewsaoao; Comments: YG$400e 7.25% qgp 5yn nq 99.637, yup 7.338%. S+300ig. AKB S+45ig. Nnn Bnuul 1e. WTAl 5493008BPANMAYG3WE89;
Use of Proceeds
Nnenni bsfnz vbe snbnavn vsaisavfn ifaisznz
CCY SZE(M) TNR MTY RNK MO SP FI TYPE BNCH IPT GDNC SPRD CPN NIC PRICE RXT 993.000 2 Jun-18 Ab. Uzxolqboh - W- - Vvycb VIR - - - 8.25% - 302.00000
Tranche Comments
5 tg: Comments: UQL266x 4.92ky syy gysqs. O-. Kfiwwig Qqsgyioiqs. Ziyaw Owy 8.25% saxq Owy;
WMB Wgqqzegm Pbh, JZYN Yybqsm Pbh
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