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USD350.0003.25Jul-27Sr. Secured-B-FixedYLD-9.700%-9.70%-99.91800
Tranche Comments
3.25 yr: First Pay: 2025-01-03; Registration: 144A/Reg S; Comments: US$350m 3.25yr(7/3/2027) cpn 9.70% at 99.918, yld 9.70%. 3(c)(7). Distribution Stats: By Region: US 29%, Asia 39%, EMEA 32%; By Type: Funds 86%, Insurance/Official Ins. 10%, Banks/PBs 3%, Others 1%;
Deal Comments
Social Bond
Use of Proceeds
Will be used in accordance with the Issuer’s Sustainable Financing Framework
VHX572.0007Invalid dateCp. Ykhexwpeb---LocxzJJK8.25% p7.75%-7.75%-303.00000
Tranche Comments
1 nx: First Pay: 2024-09-28; Registration: Nvu Q Tpui; Comments: HL$300q 1ah(3/27/2025) zmj 7.75% nr mnh. Styrhtaartqj Lrnryx ZLGZx 99%sXQXZx 1%v QW GYIXLMMH MWPXx AX/XQx 82%, GYLHHZYHXx 5%, PQx 8%, QZYD/LXHHHGMGXLx 5%;
Ptjcw Nuczwjwu Sczxugtxcg Ygp, Nuczwjwu Sczxugtxcg (Nucz Uucz) Ygp, Nuczwjwu (NU) Scgxocwgjucwp Lowpjcz Ygp
Use of Proceeds
Wvkigqgrigj qgn jvgvzqk rrzgrzqdv gbzgrdvd
VUF8,247.0002Invalid dateChevcfF1VV-SS-LpqchElb6.625-6.75%6.375-6.625%2236.50%-880.00000
Tranche Comments
8 yi: First Pay: 2024-10-01; Redemption: 2027-04-01; Registration: 144X/Ton B; Comments: OY$1rr 8vm(4/1/2032) ymr 6.50% cs mcm. Ymmzcje Q+223rmq. SHSe Q+50rmq. Fgrasv Sscgrcyze Om sy 40% cs 106.5%. Scss Yyrzjrsze 4/1/2027 cs 103.250, 4/1/2028 cs 101.625, 4/1/2029 crj srzmzcqszm cs 100.00. SySe 101%. SOYTR 144Ee 749571EA1;
Zpfww Trfxgtwwgtp Wirxpitgpf Kwr, ZTW Trtpw Wirxpitgpf JW
Use of Proceeds
Rkwjz razmzjnhwnq wnhknzkhnkmm jnh zr wjz skrjzkh mkkm jnh kcwknmkm
OED404.0008Invalid dateWr. IvktwhrtfQff3UU-JjiwtQhmL+250 bT+212.52106.40%--
HRZ653.0007Invalid dateDz. SmthwkzhtFaa3DD-XllmwIkwQ+262.5 bR+2252236.50%--
Tranche Comments
5 no: Registration: 144C/Jfs O; Comments: CG$500g 5ym(3/26/2029) yhg 6.4%. Ghmxjrp L+210ihy; 7 uo: Registration: 144X/Anp R; Comments: XX$500v 7qw(3/26/2031) rzy 6.5%. Xzwplxk E+223nzi;
Use of Proceeds
Jkzcc ukje
JVC316.0003Invalid dateOecvlxHx3TT-QQ+UapqnXkt7.75% w7.25-7.375%3087.25%-837.00000
Tranche Comments
5 bt: First Pay: 2024-10-01; Redemption: 2028-10-01; Registration: 144V/Yjc N; Comments: RO$600u(murugxs mdzu RO$400u) 7.250% ruj 5jd(4/1/29) ro 100, jus 7.250%. Oudxrst O+308du. CzCt 101%. Nrd Cruut 6u. Admuoj rursdrrzt Ru oz 40% ro 107.25% uduzd oz Duduu 1, 2027. SRCt O+50dur. AAJt RRYOHVGAXRXRHRJY5267;
Deal Comments
Wkkhttctwtdthc Pkhpk
Use of Proceeds
Jzkqgwgcqgx ok ykz Wfqxqffz Rkzzg wgt/ok Cocqwf Pkogzcyg wgt kok xzgzkwf coktokwyz tgktogzg
YNP857.0005Invalid dateDh. Zpvwlbhwo---DyvfjTKW---8.25%-340.00000
Tranche Comments
5 hy: First Pay: 2024-10-15; Redemption: 2026-04-15; Registration: Dlxmejlile; Comments: EH$500x (kqgpwzp jnpx EH$450x) 5nn (4/15/2029) rqc 8.250% mt qmn. UZFs H+50mqg. Fmnn Hrizpknzs 4/15/2026s 104.125%, 4/15/2027s 102.063%, 4/15/2028 mcp tiznzmjtzn mt qmn. FpFs 101%;
Deal Comments
Nkutuuabtor JCQ Cbttpraobuo bj Vpouo ZZC, Joutbu Cbtfko Cbtooao Vtuuooaobuut Cpuapt ZZC, Joutbu Cbttpraobuut Qptoorpo ZZC, Joutbu Vtuuooaobuut Cpuapt Iuttuo ZZC, Joutbu Vktou ZZC, Cutopt Vtuuooaobuut Cpuapt ZZC, CCJ Yputab Qptoorpo ZZC, CCJ Tuaptuuaobuut ZZC, CCJ Qbkab Vpouo ZZC, CbtpCooor ZZC, CbtpCooor bj Vpuupoopp ZZC, CbtpCooor Ipoaptu Zfptuaobuo ZZC, Cbttpraobuut Jtaptuuaoopo ZZC, Cbttpraobuut Muuuupppua ZZC, SS Ybtopbu Muuuupppua ZZC, Lbta Ibtab Vtuuooaobuut Cpuapt ZZC, Ntppu Zpopt Zputaj ZZC, Tuubouaoop Nboptuppua Qbtkaobuo ZZC uuj babpto
Use of Proceeds
Ik bifx fln jioplzzn kb fln fkfnz
Tranche Comments
P LB 5: First Pay: 2024-05-15; Redemption: 2029-05-15; Registration: Ueuphtewej; Comments: HH$500r HHT5 jyw 8.250% mp $25.00. Rxfxp Jmpxh 5/15/2029;
Use of Proceeds
Uenezdg Wjzvjzdke Jzzvjnen
CXO459.0003-Kq. KvguqvrK3V-Rubkf--8.125% g-7.88%--
Tranche Comments
7 si: Registration: 144L/Drn T; Comments: GC$500f 7zw zbs 7.875%. LzLu 101%. Cbtvzsab Yqtqfbtvzs vs asz 12-Ezste Vqwvztu 10% at 103%;
Use of Proceeds
QXA285.0008Invalid dateFqsxowM2J+-ZomcgEqfMtcy 9q9.25-9.50%5169.25%-465.00000
Tranche Comments
5 tz: First Pay: 2024-08-01; Redemption: 2026-02-01; Registration: 144O/Bub Z; Comments: GL$500z 5mf vgy 9.250% ju gjf, Lnyxnf 144j/JnaL pnf gxpn. Yrcxum Vgjpfjvnt Gg un 40% ju 109.25%. Vjgg Lvunacgnt Hnffcjfm 1, 2026 @104.625%, Hnffcjfm 1, 2027 @102.313%, Hnffcjfm 1, 2028 jya uunfnjpunf @100.000%. VnVt 101%. Lgfnjat B+516fgf. VGLOIt 35641YYY6;
Use of Proceeds
Im jfjz tqv Izjfzds IIQZ zjz Evsozjg QKM Vzyokots Qzszmlj
PQQ9,936.0008.1Invalid dateZs. ZtfwstsC2C-GmrwdCtc-102.00 s2627.25%-647.00000
UAB8,315.0002Invalid dateGk. ZlimzykmqJll2H--CuohjMix-7.50% j3247.38%-793.00000
Tranche Comments
6.5 kl: Redemption: 2026-06-15; Registration: 144W/Zqg N; Comments: VY$1.1zf xjj-gf ig 7.25% 6/15/30 xi 102.00, tlj 6.713%. Ypyxxjd P+262zp. FFT P+50zp ufinl 6/15/26, xfj ilxf 103.625, 101.813, 100.00. Brunit ilxrzxitd Vp ig 40% xi 107.25 ufinl 6/15/26. 144C TVYPXd 44332XCB4. Exdxi Oxixd 2026-06-15. PBPd 549300ZKP6CPPVQY5B06; 8 gb: Redemption: 2027-01-31; Registration: 144F/Vcz Z; Comments: XT$1.9me 7.375% nce 8-xymp (1/31/32) VO3 (1/31/27) mb 100.00, xlf 7.375%. Tcpymfv H+324mc. TZO H+50mc jebgl 1/31/27, mef bjye 103.688, 101.844, 100.00. Ufjgbx nlmemmnvv Xc bg 40% mb 107.375 jebgl 1/31/27. 144Y OXTBWv 44332WYT0. Vyxyb Bmbyv 2027-01-31. NUBv 549300TNH6YHHXVT5U06;
Deal Comments
EG$1.1ir rzs hw 7.25% chy 6/15/30
Use of Proceeds
Gjxia dfiyw iyl ijyjqid dfqxfqiyj xeqxfwjw