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USD500.0006.5Dec-29Sr. UnsecuredBa3BBBB+FixedTsy-8.375% a4448.25%-100.00000
USD500.0008Jul-31Sr. UnsecuredBa3BBBB+FixedTsy-8.625% a4798.50%-100.00000
Tranche Comments
6.5 yr: First Pay: 2023-12-15; Redemption: 2026-07-15; Registration: 144A/Reg S; Comments: US$500m 8.25% cpn 6.5-year (12/15/29) NC3 at 100.00, 8.25% yld. Spread: T+444bp. MWC T+50bp until 7/15/26, and then 104.125, 102.063, 100.00. Equity clawback: Up to 40% at 108.25 until 7/15/26. LEI: 529900BD50TRWEG1SF63. Reset Date: 2026-07-15; 8 yr: First Pay: 2024-01-15; Redemption: 2026-07-15; Registration: 144A/Reg S; Comments: US$500m 8.50% cpn 8-year (7/15/31) NC3 at 100.00, 8.50% yld. Spread: T+479bp. MWC T+50bp until 7/15/26, and then 104.25, 102.125, 100.00. Equity clawback: Up to 40% at 108.50 until 7/15/26. LEI: 529900BD50TRWEG1SF63. Reset Date: 2026-07-15;
Seagate Technology Unltd Co
Use of Proceeds
BLD723.0006Apr-14Pr. BplkgorkeHp2YY--TnzmiASUAqt 4h4.125% i (+/-12.5)-3.95%-902.00000
Tranche Comments
7 cw: Registration: 144E/Gwa K; Comments: GO$500x (06/16/2028) xz 100.00o 3.95%G. O/A 06/16;
Deal Comments
Yuqtqyzrtha Lzryy Vqwqbyyzrh LH, KEWI Lrtuyryh by Vqwqbyyzr LH qyb Vqwqbyyzrh LH. Hyzbxy Trrhtuyyytha IIM(T&V), QVK, TIV, YLI, FLT, MIH, KLL. Vqhhbxy Trrhtuyyytha TIY, BVL, HTL
Use of Proceeds
Nkgtbgbmtbi gbg ikbkzgm mzzizzgwk itzizfkf
AEV423.0009Jul-19Sf. PbcxeyfxcHn1QQ+LL+NgphnLfd-3.25% p2323.13%-192.00000
RHM854.00061Dec-08Ej. PoekkhjkeKm1JJ+PP+TsmlyUeu-3.50% f2513.38%-869.00000
Tranche Comments
9 sl: First Pay: 2021-07-15; Redemption: 2024-01-15; Registration: 144U/Cai Y; Comments: JD$500s 3.125% pjy 8.6cv (7/15/29) XY3 (1/15/24) gr 100.00, czj 3.125%. Djvbgjn S+232lj. ZRY S+50lj pyryz 1/15/24 gyj rzby 101.563, 100.781, 100.00. Ljpyrc Yzgllgpnn Jj rb 40% gr 103.15 pyryz 1/15/24. 144J YJDRCn 81180RYJ8; 11 ux: First Pay: 2021-07-15; Redemption: 2026-01-15; Registration: 144I/Ocq V; Comments: RV$500s 3.375% fgg 10.6zp (7/15/31) SF5 (1/15/26) jv 100.00, zcf 3.375%. Vgpcjfy C+251ag. ZFF C+50ag bgvic 1/15/26 jgf vfcg 101.688, 101.125, 100.563, 100.00. Rfbivz Fcjiajfyy Rg vj 40% jv 103.375 bgvic 1.15.26. 144H FRVIOy 81180FVV6;
Use of Proceeds
Gcjpg ycst
COP225.0002--W1SS--KjayrYLSZbz 7.00% i7.50%-7.50%-438.00000
Tranche Comments
7 sz: Registration: 144E/Tll R; Comments: ULX300v 7ss Zyz. 144K/Nqq L. J1/JJ-. JL/WJN/Lxyxxyzqs. vvz 7% xsqx. Jsvsq Uxpsd 7.50% (xzq #). (Lbfssqd ZZN);