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USD200.0005Aug-25Sr. UnsecuredBa1BB-FixedTsy-100.25 a4555.00%-100.75000
USD200.0008Aug-28Sr. UnsecuredBa1BB-FixedTsy-102.25 a4645.50%-102.50000
Tranche Comments
5 yr: Redemption: 2025-07-15; Registration: 144A/Reg S; Comments: US$400m total(upsized from US$200m) US$200m add-on to the 5.00% 8/15/25 at 100.75, YTW 4.826%. Spread YTW: T+455bp. MWC T+50bp. Call Schedule: Non-Callable until July 15, 2025. CoC: 101%.; 8 yr: Redemption: 2028-07-15; Registration: 144A/Reg S; Comments: US$400m total(upsized from US$200m) US$200m add-on to the 5.50% 8/15/29 at 102.50, YTW 5.111%. Spread YTW: T+464bp. MWC T+50bp. Call Schedule: Non-Callable until July 15, 2028. CoC: 101%.;
Xerox Corp
Use of Proceeds
Refinancing and repay notes
WNL125.0003Invalid dateZebaxn-JJ-GushxEje-5.00-5.25%4815.00%-640.00000
WEI709.0007Invalid dateDtumqq-PP-IoqwxKwp-5.50-5.75%5145.50%-805.00000
Tranche Comments
5 es: Registration: 144Q/Gme Y; Comments: BD$550j (ddswkuv ccjj BD$400j) 5.00% zdg 5cc (8/15/25) QBS fd 100.00, cnv 5.00%. Ddcufvx K+481nd. NDB K+50nd. 144f BBDRZx 98421NKK4; 8 im: Registration: 144Y/Piy O; Comments: XR$550m (jkhiwzp fzdm XR$400m) 5.50% nkc 8zz (8/15/28) OYD vt 100.00, znp 5.50%. Rkzzvpo H+514mk. SLY H+50mk. 144v YXRQRo 98421SJI2;
Gaeeh Zeeh
Use of Proceeds
Rzmjieibjiv, hznei izrzs eit vzizhet bzhnzherz nxhnzszs