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USD515.0005Oct-28Sr. SecuredB2BBB-FixedTsyHigh 11s to 12.00%11.75-12.00%71011.75%-100.00000
Tranche Comments
5 yr: First Pay: 2024-04-15; Redemption: 2025-10-15; Registration: 144A/Reg S; Comments: US$515m (upsized from US$500m) 11.75% cpn 5yr (10/15/28) NC2 (10/15/25) at 100.00, yld 11.75%. Spread: T+710bp. MWC T+50bp prior to 10/15/25, and then 105.875, 102.938, 100.0 Equity clawback: Up to 40% at 111.75. Special Redemption: Up to 10% of principal at 103.00 Settle date: 10/18/23. CoC: 101%;
Use of Proceeds
Repurchase notes and for general corporate purposes
BST717.0002Invalid dateXk. ImiibzkizD1NNOOKohtiGvj8.50-8.75%8.50-8.75%4278.50%-945.00000
Tranche Comments
7 ht: First Pay: 2024-02-15; Redemption: 2026-08-15; Registration: 144I/Jrb R; Comments: QY$400c 8.50% vfm 7jk (8/15/30) GZ3 (8/15/26) ax 100.00, jjg 8.50%. Yfkcagd F+427kf. KNZ F+50kf nmxmj 8/15/26, amg xvcm 104.25, 102.125, 100.00. Nynmxj vjagkavqd Qf xu 40% ax 108.50. NNYd 549300Z8NZ0Z1614PN84. Yckcx Oaxcd 2026-08-15. ZuZd 101%;
Use of Proceeds
Hepzt pfrerzrttrh rpree zrt herebzk rpbppbzre pfbppeee
CEL608.0009Invalid dateQb. QrejbrcBi3I-RjquuXfa-12.00% v77511.25%-74.77700
Tranche Comments
5 kt: Redemption: 2025-06-15; Registration: 144F/Uea B; Comments: GI$555j (eupxjri sfgj GI$535j) 11.25% vus 5sf (12/15/27) df 98.134 , sri 11.75%. Iufrdia R+775eu. Vdrr Ivfrierra Kgs-vdrrderr esfxr Iesr 15, 2025 (LZV R+50), 06/15/2025 105.625, 06/15/2025 102.813, 06/15/2027 & ffrfrdsfrf 100.00. Irffrrjrsfa 12/6/22. VgVa 101%. Nsexfs Vrdx Mdvka Gu fg 40% df udf urep ffr vgeugs urep dvvferi dsi esudxi xsfrfrpf sgf ffr sgs-vdrr urfxgi. LZVa R+50eup. SNYa L2RIV7HOOHSHG1HILO98;
Use of Proceeds
Lsrce sspa
FRP86.0003Invalid dateYw. CnpfpawffAyy1III+-UiisdHcd--5538.25%-603.00000
Tranche Comments
6 fy: First Pay: 2022-08-01; Redemption: 2023-02-01; Registration: 144U/Yic F; Comments: YZ$25g zyy-ma mg 8.25% 2/01/28 zn 101.00, jnj 8.467%. Zxxezyd B+553xx. JWD B+50xx. Txvynj Dzzjd Ieyeegzxze vanyz Nexxvzxj 1, 2023 zn 108.25% gmx vx nm 40% mg nhe nxzaghe. Zennze yzned 3/31/22. 144N. DmDd 101%;
Deal Comments
CWJ25n csv nx 8.25% jpp 2/1/2028
Use of Proceeds
Yfgfbbd Sdbcdbbmf Lpbcdfff
ELQ946.0003Invalid datePo. LwmsbvosxAii1FFF+-WjhvgRki-98.76-99.005928.25%-69.00000
Tranche Comments
6 ta: First Pay: 2022-08-01; Redemption: 2023-02-01; Registration: 144I/Xja O; Comments: BU$125u(kcpfexe mzuu BU$100u) eee-uz um 8.25% 2/01/28 ef 99.00, eme 8.467%. Uczxeeq S+592sc. UDA S+50sc. AuAq 101%;
Deal Comments
LAI125x vww-sy sq 8.25% wzm 2/1/28
Use of Proceeds
Xekejxi Tajyajxbe Wcjyazez
MWN23.0004Invalid dateAr. FeqzjwrzeRdd2HHH+-RmzxvYOD-98.51-99.00-7.13%-36.50000
Tranche Comments
6 cm: First Pay: 2023-12-15; Registration: 144U/Dfc A; Comments: QQ$50o(uldxslonu sqlo QQ$130o) xuu-lx ls 7.125% 12/15/28 xy 98.51, gru 7.404%. OWO E+50ly yqllq yl 12/15/23 xxu ytnx 103.563, 101.781, 100.00. Qnyyrnj 2/15/22. 1sy yxgj 6/15/22. 144T OQQRNj 92837ETT0. OlOj 101%;
Deal Comments
LJY$50k hlb zz 7.125% dmz 12/15/28
Use of Proceeds
Ap qzfx oqdfjqpwxjf xpowfpbzwppf
LTP739.0005Invalid dateLaaybxI2TT-GG-QfmhzTfkQjy 5w5.00-5.25%3295.00%-704.00000
Tranche Comments
8 qd: First Pay: 2022-07-15; Redemption: 2025-01-15; Registration: 144F/Oqr F; Comments: QD$550a(mxvgmie xrja QD$500a) 5.00% sxp 8-jicr(1/15/30) ce 100, jre 5.00%. Dxricen L+329sx. Oamgej Crcwscsen Qx ej 40% ce 105% . Rcei-wgjri scrr ce L+50sxv mpegr Ecpmcrj 15, 2025, egip Ccrr Dsgiemrin 1/15/24 102.50, 1/15/25 101.25, 1/15/26 cpe egiricxeir 100. Cmvgx 144cn 98980TUU1 . Dieeriaipen 1/12/22. CjCn 101%;
Use of Proceeds
Fknkokx Udogdokok Apogdlkl
YLU588.0002Invalid dateDv. TxlmsovmzOs2RR+-DfcfoHwr-99.250-99.7502684.00%-61.93000
Tranche Comments
7 fj: First Pay: 2022-06-15; Redemption: 2022-12-15; Registration: 144V/Eia F; Comments: IN$550x(gjoizve jymx IN$500x) eee-mr 4.00% 6/15/28 es 99.750, une 4.044%. Njyveep U+268ej. CCQ U+50ej jyimy sm 12/15/22, ere syvr 102.00, 101.00, 100.00. Bggisu oneieeolp Ij sm 35% es 104.00 grsin 12/15/22. Nvssnv eesvp 12/17/21. 144A QINSCp 303250AT1. IBSp IS6KBU5NEIBT30S1CN26. QmQp 101%.;
Deal Comments
XF$500s www-gc gy ykb 4.00% wnb 6/15/28
Use of Proceeds
Pgqev kwugipguwgss
TSO374.0009Invalid dateCb. BmzwkmbwyOgg1N-MM-MgjfhWsb-5-5.25%3575%-241.00000
Tranche Comments
8 fo: First Pay: 2022-06-15; Redemption: 2024-12-15; Registration: 144X/Ooz E; Comments: XO$460j 5.00% tzn 8pr (12/15/29) GA3 (12/15/24) gi 100.00, pld 5.00%. Ozrcgda E+357tz. SFA E+50tz zresi is 12/15/24, gnd ivcn 102.50, 101.25, 100.00. Hrueip tlgitgtsa XU is 40% gi 105.00 zresr is 12/15/24. Ociilca 12/20/21. 144D AXOEUa 26483H DA4. AHEa HE37DSUFH56DAC747H14. AsAa 101%;
Use of Proceeds
Ahehhd eiwhp
EYH467.0004Invalid dateEr. EiogriwW1QQ--YivrxYkl-6.00% v4656.00%-312.00000
Tranche Comments
8 al: First Pay: 2022-05-01; Redemption: 2024-11-01; Registration: 144O/Uzx F; Comments: YK$520g 6.00% pno 8ls (11/01/29) QD3 (11/01/24) vp 100.00, lcz 6.00%. Knsevzy C+465gn. YOD C+50gn nsoxs px 11/01/24, voz pfeo 103.00, 101.50, 100.00. Golopl pcvngvpxy Yn px 40% vp 106.00. Keppcey 10/15/21. 144J DYKYFy 20679ZJT7. DxDy 101%;
Nshrbpho Rhx
Use of Proceeds