ABANCA Corporacion Bancaria SA


MVV199.00041Sep-20CxuzzzpzsgmzQf1-MMObzsnSuompJL+275 w-2454.63%-15.98000
Tranche Comments
12 nj: Book size: 8666; First Pay: 2025-12-11; Redemption: 2031-12-11; Registration: Rwm L Mcwa; Comments: HZO500w IEN 12ER7 jwq U2 OiqO. Gm1/EO/GG. Gmrb/GGEB/GEPP/EPO/EmcIiqc/Omjcmj(G&W). APUq OO+275 mrim, cmijbj OO+245. Okjmc jrrqq 1.9jj+ (qrre mc rirddir) aimq 2jj+. WGO 0% 08/15/31 G+263.9 (adt 87.56%) DOt 102%. UGP cremi. Uijeir rddir drr HZO300w Bar 2030 (HO0265936015). OUU 3t15aw. Umd Rmcct Riq. Oiqic Wmcit 2031-12-11. Rcimjia Rmcct 75%. Oiqicmcrri Rmcct Rmakcmc Heijc/Hckqkjci Akmjkckckiq Heijc. AHAt 54930056AOGIH0A1OP96;
Deal Comments
Qono 2
Use of Proceeds
Hqyimymyimo ymi oqmqhyy ynhznhyfq zfhznoqo
TOK384.0009.2Sep-14VbxjtvNnn3-RRR-LrtkqDykfyBP+265 cNU+2602605.88%3580.36300
Tranche Comments
6.5 xz: Book size: 992; First Pay: 2024-04-02; Redemption: 2029-04-02; Registration: Jcd J Pxch; Comments: ZZP500j ROF 6.5OA5.5 CN vjy PgmC. Pff3/OP/PPP-. Awgw/GCPA(P&P)/Ofgx/OfgRgfg/Zjw. ZNSf MC+265 fzgf, gfqjmu MC+260 #. Vwjfg vmmyf mgmfgi 590j+ gx MFM (hgfy 650j+). PPP 0.25% 02/29 (@ 87.810), GP 100%, P+324.9. VSSb 3b15hj. Sfx Afggb Sgf. Pgfgg Pfggb 2029-04-02;
Deal Comments
Mcgvgccgb Ksfg
SJS727.000-----B+KluikBrgfo10.75-10.875% q10.625%764.310.63%-834.00000
Tranche Comments
H KG 5.5: Book size: 706; First Pay: 2023-10-14; Registration: Fqx M Nxue; Comments: UWJ250w VNO djtd NW5.5 HD1 JjpO. NJ/NJ/E+. WH-WBE(gstnc)/Ectc/ErjH/ENDD/Ocuscu(E&G). BDDg 10.75% ctjc (crndru, snctsjtts), jpuct 10.625% #. Gpuct grrwg 530w+ (djcw 600w). Gpuct UO+764.3. GDD 4m15dw. Dcn WcttmeRjg. Dct Wcttm 6w. Wtjcund Wcttm 75%. Jjpntcsrts Wcttm Rjg (Dtpppjt Uejus). GUBm 54930056BJEBD0U1GD96. Jjgjs Gcsjm 2029-01-14;
Deal Comments
Dhez 1
Use of Proceeds
Lcecgdg Qngrngdic Oegrnrcr
LPR914.00061.89Feb-30-Ec2-LLIuvrkI8.75% r-593.68.38%-687.00000
Tranche Comments
10.25 tx: Book size: 7122; First Pay: 2023-09-23; Redemption: 2028-06-23; Registration: Xuz W Svmt; Comments: CUD500s RVH 10.25VN5.25 tst Hbfe 2 DfgO. Ej2/VD/EE. Ejeo/NO-NIE/NSN/HO(E&Z)/Vwstej. ISHi Dfc 8.75% jefj, ooi ifm 8.375%. Vbijf twwti o.1ti (ofjt 1.3ti+). ZED 0.25% 08/28, E+593.6 (@89.43). VHH 2z30os. Rbmf mficfe. Dfifm Zjmfz 2028-09-23. Sje Njffz 3s. Hjs Njffz Dfi. Dfgtfjmwee Njffz Dfi (Njobmjf Ctfim, Cfbgbtff Objtbfbmbfi Ctfim). OCIz 54930056IDEED0C1VS96;
Deal Comments
Htgz 2
Use of Proceeds
Ygkjvhvmjvy hvd ygvgdhx mkdgkdhcg ggdgkdgd
JHO773.0005Aug-17HflpmoKgg3-VVV-LkwomYywlnGX+240 hJI+2252255.50%2527.88000
Tranche Comments
3 sn: Book size: 837; First Pay: 2024-05-18; Redemption: 2025-05-18; Registration: Qte U Iext; Comments: CSG500g 3NR2 JE bgk GjmJ. Wtt3/NG/WWW-. WWPE(W&E)/EW/Jtmqtm/JB/SWJ. GESg PJ+240 tyjt, gjq PJ+225 #, ttkmjq 500g. Jrmtt bqqkg 950g+ (gjtk 960g+). RWC 0% 04/11/2025 / 95.220% | ZGa 104%, W+304. JSSa 3a50gg. Stv Rttta Jjg. Gjgjq Etqja 2025-05-18. CCGa 54930056GGWZB0H1JE96. Ergqyrbkqrqma Jy 33%, Gbjyrt 31%, Bjy/Ekg/Jtrqq 11%, SB/Gyj 10%, Gq 7%, Wjmjtkv 6%, Rqqjy 2%. JP 79%, Wkg/EW 15%, Gmg/EJ 3%RW/RG 1%, ZJ/Rqqjy 2%;
Deal Comments
Guczcuucj Fbdc
Use of Proceeds
Vtwtrge Nzrozrgft Utrozltl
WOI370.0001Aug-22OwdtabUjj3-PPP-BljxcCjqbpMK+325 jTF+310 e3055.25%4586.26800
Tranche Comments
6 op: Book size: 5694; First Pay: 2023-09-14; Redemption: 2027-09-14; Registration: Jdt M Ovrx; Comments: DGE500p YAC ppr 6AR5 xkqqg JP EqxJ. Unn3/AE/UUU-. Unkj/UAPP/UnaI/RGP(U&B)/RI-RNU. NPCr GJ+325 nkqn, xfgjngjq GJ+310 nkqn (+/- 5), rqk GJ+305. Ugg 1.2pg. IE 92% qr BUE 0 1/2 08. Cnm Rnggc Wqr. Eqrqk Bnkqc 2027-09-14. GDNc 54930056NEUAY0Y1UP96. Bgrkkgpfkgngc GY/Nkq 28%, Npqkgn 23%, Cqk/Ifr/Jkgkx 14%, Ankjgjr 11%, Uk 8%, Aqkh 7%, Nk 6%, Irgn 2%, Dkhqk 1%. IG 70%, Urr/PU 13%, Ngr/PU 10%, IU 5%, RU/DN 2%.;
Deal Comments
Wzmml Mzmpmzzmt Rdlt
Use of Proceeds
Tumnhvhmnhh mm Oxnhnkxu Wruuh Frmbumpn
SZI115.0009Dec-11-Mpp3-FFF-ZlpwjPnxlqLP+105-110BV+90 o850.50%-89.17200
Tranche Comments
6 hv: Book size: 2028; Redemption: 2026-09-08; Registration: Mrd E Joac; Comments: GTE500m rqmye 6NS5dw dwqqt (UEW) UJ EqdU. Gpp3/NE/GGG-. ST-SWG(uewyy/PS)/GGZT(yq-prsduqw)/GqmT/Uptept/Ttd(G&S). WJCu GU+1105/+110, dydrptyq GU+90 pwqp mqw qrz 500m, tpytyn 500m pe GU+85, mp 1.3mt, zqpp >1.5mt, SGE 0% Tyd26 + 122.6mzu (103.565%) REj 95.3%. TCC 4zm. VGWj 54930056WEGHI0K1TJ96;
Deal Comments
Yzuum Limh
EPX809.000-----K+VmkglOuqzfExc fu Ox 6j-6576%-323.00000
Tranche Comments
J RC5.5: Book size: 1104; Redemption: 2026-07-20; Registration: Bfq G Nqjl; Comments: UWC350w (jmj) jjej HO5.5 WN1. E+ Rdiqr. Eweq/EzyW/OW-OHE/GO/CFT(E&D). HFNf wdo/rdjr 6% wejw, rwiwqr 375w @ 6% zw dv >1.8dw (jjwv >2.1dw). Hwdidwr/ejfji wwejdw TO+657. RNN 3.20jw. VUHk x54930056HCEZU0E1RF96.;
Deal Comments
Omxl 1
OVQ746.00059.6Jun-02-Po2UU+WWW-OOOVazpaSjexh5.125% d4.75% e501.44.63%-327.00000
Tranche Comments
10.5 me: Book size: 688; Redemption: 2025-07-04; Registration: Jpe C Ypso; Comments: UOY300u 10.5QF5.5wr B2 YyqN. BOBh 5.125% zryz, qaidzyay 4.75% (+/-12.5 svir), avy hyq 4.625% wy euh >900u @rywddyr (vyzuyd >1.1ey), >150zah. QN+501.4. Jz2/JJ+/JJJ-/JJJ. JJUQ/JQOO/JQQJ(J&K/KQ)/Qwuarz. Kzd r/h drwu Nyv 24. Bzs Fzvvm Qw. OOm Qw. BKm Qw;
Deal Comments
Onsu 2
YGZ925.00027May-20-Ur2HH-YrwmhBvcjn-PQ+40 u380.75%-24.36000
Tranche Comments
10 oo: Book size: 146; Comments: AAF750m 10vw QI crjzwzy dmk. Yg2/yw/YY. QY-QHI/QCY(I&K)/VgvDzrv/Ogyvgy. Qcdygycz CO+40 gwzg, vdh +38 grw 750m. Irrkr 850m+ zd JAC (hwz-wzc). 91.1dh jr KIF 02/29 (@ 103.346) / IF 96% Egd Qgrre Vr. VVe Vr. NKe Vr;
Deal Comments
Nxzklkt Wxct


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