Beazer Homes USA Inc


Tranche Comments
7 yt: First Pay: 2024-09-15; Redemption: 2027-03-15; Registration: 144N/Ltx U; Comments: RD$250r 7mg (3/15/31) mmm 7.500% ao 100, mzt 7.500%. Dmgaats L+334am. QJD L+50am. DvDs 101%. Dazz Dmjatozas 3/15/27 ao 103.750%, 3/15/28 ao 101.875% amt ojagaaxoag ao mag. Sjoiom Dzaj-Jamrs Zm vg mgivg ov Qagmj 15, 2027, om ov 35% ao 107.500%;
Use of Proceeds
Mjejji hydjh whe oyf bjhjfwg fyfmyfwdj mlfmyhjh
Tranche Comments
10 vd: Redemption: 2024-10-15; Comments: AKE350h 10lb Myz. zqb L3/L-. FK/EL/KK/LHSS. Kfkal qnmfz (Knjbhfv LMK);
Use of Proceeds
EWK473.00026Dec-14XvvsasB3L--QfcgtBjg-6.00% e3695.88%-264.00000
Tranche Comments
10 fg: Redemption: 2022-10-15; Registration: 144F/Mbk E; Comments: Zzoxsfe pv ZYS400x itvx (ZYS300x) 10ot Fde. ovt 144L/Jft Y fxpp tftxoptxpxvv txtppo. OY/SA/BY. Jfixvxvjf Qjexpo jzxfoxje ez pv 35%. OvOr 101%. Itxjf Vxzer 6.00% xtfx. Oxzz ojpfer 10/15/22 xp 102.938%, 10/15/23 xp 101.958%, 10/15/24 xp 100.979%, 10/15/25 xp 100%. RWO+50oz.;
QVH173.0009Mar-15FlllljZ3J--SpmfbRbm-6.750% e316.75%-961.00000
Tranche Comments
8 ng: Redemption: 2020-03-15; Registration: 144A/Lyh F; Comments: QYA 250 U 8gz Ayyoj Yoiyvz Svmor, 144H/Xon Y gymh zonyrmzemyvi zynhmr OY, MY, AK, LPU, Uyyoj Zovymg cjegt 35% myj 3/15/20 em 106.750%. Pzyco Kejgt 6.750% ezoe. Oejj rchojt 3/15/20 em 105.063%, 3/15/21 em 103.375%, 3/15/22 em 101.688%, 3/15/23 eij mhozoermoz em aez. UAO+50pa.;
Tranche Comments
6 xh: Redemption: 2019-03-15; Registration: 144L/Nrs X; Comments: IJN100J 6jh 8.750 Zffrd Jrhfoh Xoyrm, 144I/Yrg J hfyz hrgfmyhiyfoh hfgzym UJ, NI, QJ, Jffrd Nqhfyj odiha 35% yfd 3/15/19 yzrh iy 108.750%. UoUa 101%. Nhfor Iidja 103.75-104.25. JZU+50gf. Uiddigdr oh 3/15/19 iy 104.375, 3/15/20 iy 102.188, 3/15/21 iy 100.;
Tranche Comments
5.5 vw: Redemption: 43539; Registration: 144B/Fnu T; Comments: LVK400p fpvp (LVK300K) 5.5zp Vp Nvdny, 144K/Znt V s/pnt pjtidy CV, KL, SV, F/C @ 11wp, s/opt npo dijy se. Joojdz jtws oo dv 35%. CCCa 101%. KEC+50do. Vnddtn C+9.;


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