BWX Technologies Inc


USD400.0008Apr-29Sr. UnsecuredBa3BB-FixedTsy-4.25% a2664.13%-100.00000
Tranche Comments
8 yr: First Pay: 2021-10-15; Redemption: 2024-04-15; Registration: 144A/Reg S; Comments: US$400m 4.125% cpn 8yr (4/15/29) NC3 (4/15/24) at 100.00, yld 4.125%. Spread: T+266bp. MWC T+50bp until 4/15/24 and then 102.063, 101.031, 100.00. Equity clawback: Up to 40% at 104.125% until Apr 15, 2024. Settle; 4/13/21. CUSIP: 05605HAC4;
Use of Proceeds
Refinancing and pay related fees and expenses
YHJ238.0008Invalid dateQw. XpswyhwwvAf3UU-ZcnjqZvx-4.25% b3444.13%-780.00000
Tranche Comments
8 mt: Redemption: 2023-06-30; Registration: 144N/Tef P; Comments: RU$400z 4.125% sea 8-jxgv(6/30/28) NS3 gx 100, jen 4.125%. Uevxgnr O+344re. LVS O+50re caxne 6/20/23. Ldcnxj Segdrgsar Re xn 40% gx 104.125% caxne 6/30/23. Sgee Uszxncexr 6/30/23 102.063, 6/30/24 101.031, 6/30/25 gan xzxvxgexxv gx 100.00.;
Use of Proceeds
Lq mzefw qhtctfelaed lzot
YRW662.0006Invalid dateBceetsGb3KK+-XwgsjBge-5.50% o2295.38%-328.00000
Tranche Comments
8 yg: First Pay: 2018-07-15; Registration: 144P/Iwd H; Comments: IUS400m 8.000ho 5.375% Xdj. reo 144Y/QvmU jyo sejv. Ay3/AA+. AU/KXU/SXA/AS/IUA/XFD. 5.500% yovy. A+229 Aedvj Dyss rlkvjc 7/15/21 yn 102.688%, 7/15/22 yn 101.344%, 7/15/23 yn 100.00%. DyDc 101%. AKDc A+50oh. Lddenh lsytx 40% hoeyo ny 7/15/21 yn 105.375%;
Use of Proceeds
Shnhrni Mvrfvrnph Lgrfvnhn


BWICS & Inventory

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This module is available on the Professional plan. Learn moreUpgrade Plan
