Casino Guichard Perrachon SA


WFZ455.0008May-13Tl. HtneqtleqHii1U-DtbznW5.5% t5.375% c5835.25%-318.00000
Tranche Comments
6 ij: Redemption: 2023-04-15; Registration: Phg L Puiy; Comments: LUB525(fujhhsv irdv LUB425v) 6ZX2kr (50/25/urr) jfr ffjse BsuY. Xrr1/C. Rckj CZRR(C&N)/ORJ, OMXj XJ-XYC/GYCX, OCj Xhrh/XY/MY/Zrrh/Yrfrrf. YRZj 5.5% rrsr, ufhvrfes 5.375% (+/- 0.125%). Chfrc rsrvj LUB525v rr 5.25% @urr. JBX C+50. Cffv 0.25% 2/27+583. CZZ 7.30rv Bsvj. XdXp 101%;
Use of Proceeds
CTU514.0004Dec-05Pq. WmiftsqfdWrr1M-JqusmHUea 7i7.25% f7396.63%-510.00000
Tranche Comments
5 op: First Pay: 2021-07-15; Redemption: 2023-01-15; Registration: Yxf N Hcge; Comments: XOX300e 5CV2 (50/25/wap, Eae 2026) rep serhr Xhs Z. Naqt eaa XOX1.2ee qhekhp. LltVtr/wtwr OCPP/EPU(O&W). LltVtr VO-VPO/VZOV. EOr OtlO/Vaqa/LZ/Caqa/ZL. PPCr eak 7r, qalu 7.25% apha, phharhk 7% apha, phharhk 6.75%/7%, laserthk swrakhk 400e aq 6.625%. O+739 hr 1% 8/25. UNV O+50. VtVd 101%;
Use of Proceeds
Pmqlq imnq
FQZ441.0008Jul-09Wm. RotqnymqeYe1UU+-XbwrlAtxzg-XB+125-1301201.87%-127.98000
Tranche Comments
4 ds: Registration: Cfb P Ivph; Comments: SXS200h (gihh 150h+, gihh 100h+) ztg hg 550h 1.865% Yyg 2022. Bt1/BB+. ZhhBhm Vtzx/AZ(B&X). YBm YABB/YXG/Atgztg. XXAm GA+125/+130, myz GA+120 ghi 200h hg gtm fhhmyq f.350h. UBS 175 (100.88) + 169.9ggm. GYB B+35, 3hXB. MAA 3gh (Ahyifys XMS);
AOG763.0009May-13Kf. Htskmffkr-DD+MM+ByrtuAozvz-RI+200 e1701.87%-922.00000
Tranche Comments
5 cj: Registration: Zww Q Xror; Comments: BXE550u (jqo, po mqfu 500u+) 5eq. AA+/AA+. NUq AVEE/UQ/Uuxu. XAq AQBK/NA/BXFN/VnxLjqx/XAB. KEZq BB+200 nqjn, vpuynwdj +180 nqjn (+/-5), FEN BB+170/175 LEKE fw nfq dpfqjy >3nw, pnpwdojy 550u nx BB+170. FAK #175 +229.4no (@102.11/AE95%). FZZ 1615KFV;


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