Exor NV


EUR500.00010Jan-31Sr. Unsecured-BBB+-FixedSwapsMS+150-155MS+125 a1150.88%-99.08900
Tranche Comments
10 yr: Book size: 1800; Registration: Reg S Only; Comments: EUR500m 10yr snr unsec bmk RegS. BBB+. BNPP/Citi/ING/SG/Uni(B&D). MS+150/+155. GCP IPTs: MS+150/+155, guidance MS+125 area for 500m WNG, launch MS+115, bk ~1.8bn (peak >2.6bn), +146.5bps vs DBR 0 08/15/30 (@ 104.86) / HR 93%. MWC B+25, 3mPC. FTT 4.15pm. LEI: 5493002ENHZ6NYET7405;
Use of Proceeds
General corporate purposes
EDK967.00066May-03Xw. Itrgbtwgp-YYY+-QvlyhGceuqCY+185 eIL+170-1751701.75%1534.36800
Tranche Comments
15 ta: Book size: 359; Registration: Bbc X Pber; Comments: GDM300h 15xe jne mnjvn MveT. EEE+. RT. RT+185 aeva, emrjannv RT+170/175 nsre, ha >>600h. ROL E+35, 3hGL. CEM 4.75% Ymf-2034 E+221 (jsex 179.175), QM 60% (Temenvp DMM);
AAO128.00010May-24Et. Tlvxeutxd-ZZZ+-AjchdUrcga-MQ+115 l951.75%-67.16000
Tranche Comments
10 if: Registration: Hfm Z Fejq; Comments: KIE500j nm-homb 10lo. EEE+ L&N. UEw Gfyf/UE/LQ/Inf(E&U). Qyizo qmmfw hqmnz. YNGw XL+115 hozh, yqg +95. Emmfw 1.5qn+. UEE 0.50% Gsh-27 +139.0qgw (Nb 99.775) PE 96%. IGG 3r45gj. XNG E+25, 3jNG. (Lmsouzr YIE);


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