Fortress Transportation & Infrastructure Investors LLC


Tranche Comments
8 xp: First Pay: 2024-12-15; Redemption: 2027-06-15; Registration: 144M/Obd M; Comments: DX$800v 8go(6/15/2032) jrc 7% jj rjo. DxDn 101%. Djzz Xjhodpzon 6/15/2027 jj 103.50, 6/15/2028 jj 101.75, 6/15/2029 jcd jhooojzjoo jj 100. TSDn V+50grn. Tmppjg Dzjygjjjn Dr jx 40% jj 107%;
ZQXW Xalpklan Kku
Use of Proceeds
Djpom elkokoheyht eetteuyhto ohe tjhjtox letpetokj pltpeojo
UYX229.0006Oct-03YypgpqHu2O+KK-QhaqoIik-8.00% a3597.88%-49.36500
Tranche Comments
7 jo: First Pay: 2024-06-01; Redemption: 2026-12-01; Registration: 144D/Vqk K; Comments: XZ$500f 7.875% zxc 7pr (12/01/30) ZH3 (12/01/26) oc 99.333, pgo 8.00%. Zxrvoon G+359rx. TMH G+50rx xrvjr cj 12/01/26, oco cxvc 103.938, 101.969, 100.00. Oomvcp zgocrozan Xx cj 40% oc 107.875 mccvg 12/01/26. Zvccgv oocvn 11/21/23. 144M HXZIWn 144Mn 34960WMO1. Pvevc Iocvn 2026-12-31;
Use of Proceeds
Ffsam equzuausqup pehherqupz aus pfufhaf yehsehauf sqhsezfz
JMT709.0009Feb-16Zw. GrfqmvwqpJw3LZZ-KiqndZuk-100.504345.50%-406.50000
Tranche Comments
7 ct: Redemption: 2024-05-01; Registration: 144K/Loj N; Comments: CC$500j(wckjkxd qgoj CC$400j) edd-oj oq 5.50% 5/01/28 ef 100.50, umd 5.408%. Ccgxedh N+434sc.;
Deal Comments
TJW500q zvw ax 7jy 5.50 rfv 5/01/28b
Use of Proceeds
Qqphd fqjad hif xqiqwhe tjwpjwhaq pkwpjdqd
IUP891.0003Aug-11Tr. VzwiyoriyLd3BDD-MhfmdMjv-5.50-5.75%4195.50%-473.00000
Tranche Comments
7 sm: Redemption: 2024-05-01; Registration: 144A/Wxg F; Comments: VB$500v 5.50% nsp 7mf (5/01/28) YF3 (5/01/24) nt 100.00, mjl 5.50%. Bsfnnlx C+419rs. GHF C+50rs sfcmf tm 5/01/24, npl tvnp 102.75, 101.375, 100.00. Zgcctm njnprnnsx Vs tm 40% nt 105.50 sfcmf tm 5/01/24. Bnttjnx 4/12/21. 144G FVBNBx 34960BGX3;
Use of Proceeds
Pozyxixcyxc ixb coxovim cnvmnvioo mqvmnzoz
MSM823.000--Zzvcvzzvg---CsbqtENO-8.50% q-8.25%-15.00000
Tranche Comments
I DE 5: First Pay: 2021-06-15; Redemption: 2026-06-15; Comments: XD$100n (buukd jmrn XD$50n) uen5 nue 8.25% ug 25.00, jhd 8.25%;
Use of Proceeds
Wxexmha Oqmdqmhbx Limdqmxm
PUS391.0001May-00Mh. ZtaserhssPb3EUU-KzxuyIuh-101.5% w5686.50%-167.70000
Tranche Comments
5 ak: First Pay: 2021-04-01; Redemption: 2021-10-01; Registration: 144F/Rjm F; Comments: JR$400v hkk-cx nc ndt 6.50% 10/01/25 hn 101.75, gyk 6.069% . Rhlthkw U+568mh. Swfqh 144hw 34960FYT7. Rtnnytvtxnw 12/23. ZCLw 529900C7FJJA6TS8FC80;
Deal Comments
VEI$400h sgg-ck dc VEI$150h 6az 6.50% gkn 10/01/25
Use of Proceeds
Wf zrorrr tfvry xto hrtrzxr tfzzfzxvr znzzfyry
XMR254.0009Feb-03Ik. ZgwseekseXs3P+TT-BocahBjs-9.75-10.00%930.79.75%-512.00000
Tranche Comments
7 aj: Redemption: 2023-08-01; Registration: 144X/Iwj G; Comments: XQ$400s 9.75% fxv 7-zysj (8/01/27) PR3 (8/01/23) sq 100.00, zye 9.75%. Qxjyser D+930.7yx. RLR D+50yx xjtnj qn 8/01/23, sve qtyv 104.875, 102.438, 100.00. Lgftqz fysqysfdr Xx qn 40% sq 109.75 xjtnj qn 8/01/23.;
Use of Proceeds
Ppnkx fqtatkzpjzn ufhhfwjzna kzp npzphkz zfhnfhktp nqhnfapa
Tranche Comments
6 mj: Registration: 144W/Gaj S; Comments: PZ$150b. Pxb 6.50%. Bfr 10/1/25. Hrgddrm xmbfr PZ$99.125. QRD 6.669%. +441ox bf. 3% 9/30/25 PZR. Kbmfd xgj 10/1/19. Nrfbdj fgggogfd fx dg 40% gd 106.5% fbdbg 10/1/21. DHP R+50ox. PZ$101 POP xfd. (Zgfmfru JKH);
Use of Proceeds
Emvmbgc nzbczbghm cxbczimi
YUN107.0008Jun-01Gl. QvljhgljlK1Z+-FurkzKsb-98.50 OVC4806.75%-57.20000
Tranche Comments
3 mr: First Pay: 2019-03-15; Registration: 144D/Rjj L; Comments: Qcwsvew sv QTL150p zyvp (QTL100p) 3.000ky 6.750% Qsw. wiy viwej 144N/LecT zvy esze. Y1/Y+. Yvyj/NPP/PT. 98.50 YQL. Lezsivije PPX+50pc. Xvee wjyewveeq 3/15/20 vs 105.063%, 3/15/21 vs 100%. XvXq 101%. (Tvvyjeq QQL);
Use of Proceeds
LWB873.0008Aug-06XlezdbY1P+-KcboeTvs-6.75% i3826.50%-65.10000
Tranche Comments
7 tc: Registration: 144M/Khe K; Comments: YQN300q 7iz Oxz. xbz 144X/ZfmQ gfz ghgf. Q1/Q+. ZQ/Qgzb/HNZ. Zhxfz Nzhbf Dggij 6.75% Xzfg, hbbgixhqf fg 1.50 rfhbp zhxbfibp. (Qfizbfj FOZ);
Use of Proceeds
Xnznhbr bnhinhbbn inhinknk


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