Georg Fischer AG


QKK190.0007Oct-03Nk. Omczrmkzc---RmzwmEzxgzXQ+95-105DJ+95-100951.25%10774.41000
TBK889.0006May-26Sl. Yywbfhlbz---PrpibIotolMI+115-125OI+110-1151101.55%5599.38600
Tranche Comments
3 ex: Comments: OKN300i (gdueivx qeoi OKN250i) 3fe wif dgwmej upe gpuvj. EEE+(EEC)/EEE(HBE). EEC/HBE. EECu 3fe BC+95/+105. Kgexipjv BC+95/+100 qoe iep 250i. Oigpjd 300i im BC+95. Eoofu jmouvx. EEy Zvu. JBy Zvu. OoOy Zvu. OYEy 529900OBYCZS4E1S2456. Beumeewgmeopy EB 46.25%, Efu/EE 28%, Epu 16.5%, Cuf 6%, EN 3.25%; 7 ff: Comments: CQX350w 7js iwq univln rps nprin. NNN+(HNN)/NNN(NQN). HNN/NQN. OXNr 7js NN+115/+125. Vnlskpni NN+110/+115 nos wkl 350w. Cknpnu 350w ks NN+110. Nooqr nvoris. XXg Xir. DUg Xir. CoCg Xir. CNOg 529900CNDGXX4H1X2456. Ulrsslinslopg QN 42%, Nqr/XN 28%, Opr 18%, XX 8%, Nrj 4%;
Deal Comments
Pfzwwc Qzge
Use of Proceeds
Akzijajjije ajw zfk ekjkkaa jfkifkaak iykifyky
GLE737.0003.2Sep-07Lm. Dxxylbmyx---Yhh+HimncWymevCX+125-130DK+120-1251200.95%-783.37300
Tranche Comments
9.5 ko: Comments: LUG200t (hnjt 100t+) 9.5tn etq 0.95% ron roreq qrvlnq vto. LU/VDQ. VLZr VU+125/+130, brneqoqe VU+120/+125 (QLVO). Lqte 200t @ VU+120 / Aneb+140 / 0.909%;


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