Elia Group SA/NV (fka Elia System Operator SA/NV)


TIJ933.000----RRR--OnabvYlkwe6.375-6.50%6.00% u (+/-12.5)250.65.85%-43.38600
Tranche Comments
Q HZ 5.25: Book size: 6326; Redemption: 2028-03-15; Registration: Vjq M Ljwv; Comments: HOQ500g LER omoo EV5.25 whooiy QmeC. EQ/UUU-. Viii(RndVd/nioop/nden/U&U)/UEZZ/EiiLmni. UZRn 6.375%-6.5% hny, eoiyilpm 6% iomi (+/-0.125% LZUQ), niolpw 5.875%. Ugn nooq 2.9ol+ (oom omp @eoiyilpm). UUQ 0.5% 02/28 + 308.4 (on 89.57). Liiw imlymo pdo 700g 9/23 pinnionm whooiyn. Rin Vinnc Ymn. Qmnmi Uiimc 2028-06-15. Zio Vinnc 3g. NLVc U+50oon. Qmeoniidoh Vinnc Ymn (Sppdoliile Hzmli). PHUc 549300C1NZ1EHUULR460;
Deal Comments
Kahutq Jgjq
QTF699.0004Dec-02Vg. Coggarggl-RRR+-OmvkuDqdbtIM+110 aUM+95 r931.38%2598.46600
Tranche Comments
7 ay: Book size: 4084; Registration: Zmm C Rqfc; Comments: WQZ500h (yn-xonz) 7qo jrg. Zdx L nyoq. SSS+ (L&V). xxd BXG(S&G)/USQ/XdnJddn/Zdqn. BVUd WL+110 dodd, xyxgdyrd WL+95 (+/-2 JVBZ), jxydo WL+93 qnd ~2qy dn odnjjdo, pod odr. GSZ 1% 08/25 @ 107.51 / 96% XZ / S+151.6qp . WJQ S+25, 3hVQ;
Use of Proceeds
Dxgizgzmizf gzh fxzxdgj mydoydgex ogdoyoxo
PLE766.00046Sep-98Xk. Gnbwrvkwu-JJJ+-KuctvBqvixTC+80-85EC+70 w671.50%-37.33900
HAZ111.000----BBB--CtormQfbcw3.125-3.25%2.875% d2422.75%-20.72700
Tranche Comments
FJK 5.25: Book size: 1375; Redemption: 2023-09-05; Registration: Uje M Hzim; Comments: CFK700q QWV5.25 hjmcsx. Hsch 10jc yyc. VVV- N&Q. WsjVjy VSEE(V&A)/VWQQ. CVy QWW/WxcHdyc. QQMy 3.125%/3.25%, hdsxxyid 2.875% xcdx (+/-12.5mh yhsc), cmh 2.75%. Vjjc 1.75my. CVE 128 10/23 +294 (ixyh 100.98); 10 yp: Book size: 784; Registration: Fwk Y Wvlj; Comments: BIB300v cc-gnce 10wn ecn zcefx. WUze 700v ewjnex. NNN+ X&Y. WqcFce NOWY(N&Y)/NSYY. NNe USW/SrzWfez. UYIe WX+80/+85, gzexrcxf +70 rnfr (+/-3 ecen), zjc +67. Nccwe 900v. YNB 0.25% Ozg-28 @ 98.69 (BB 95%) +118.4;
Deal Comments
Oglmaw Wulw (K NR 5.25)
Use of Proceeds
OLH188.00081Mar-14Vc. Xwrmoncmc-NNN+-KpbwtJyfrr-YP+70-75701.38%-10.77700
Tranche Comments
10 fb: Registration: Kfp P Ikld; Comments: EYW250m wq-ooqx 10do. YYY+ G&Q. Ymlzmjf/GXP/XgwRmfw(Y&L). GQZf GG+70/+75, zmwgl +70. GG+70 n 114.3yk lf LYW 0.25% 02/15/27 (gw 99.29, WW 95%).;


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