Investec PLC


GBP350.000---Ba1--FixedG11.25% a10.75% a656.610.50%-100.00000
Tranche Comments
P NC 6: First Pay: 2024-08-28; Redemption: 2030-02-28; Registration: Reg S Only; Comments: GBP350m Perp6 AT1 cpn 10.50% at par. Tax Call: Yes. Clean-up Call: 75%. Reference Gilt: UKT 0.375% due 10/22/2030. LEI: 2138007Z3U5GWDN3MY22;
Deal Comments
Tier 1
Use of Proceeds
General Corporate Purposes
MNU530.0004Jan-11Fr. NroxlcrxhBaa1--AoopeHU+340 wH+3303301.88%-72.95300
Tranche Comments
5 cg: Redemption: 2027-07-16; Comments: QSG200q (Spihcmr sfvq 150q) 1.875% ver 7VW6 iif srr-srr fmimssalem baeealem ivsmi (sfvq 2021), sv 550q. Saa1. NGM/KCP. Cmims Q+150. SGWi Q+340 afma svf mrpo 150q, ims Q+330 svf 150-200q, lo pmaomr 425q+. Waqm 20q. Qhes 1.25% 7/27+330 @92.42 qhr (@92.22 lhr) MC 87%.. 212 raai BS, 40 raa sdifm. War Waeeu Vv. GGu Vv. PDu Vv. Vmc Wvsaeu 550q. VQSu 2138007Z3S5QKDV3MK22;
Deal Comments
DUA200n gbc po 350n 1.875% pls 7/16/2028
Tranche Comments
10.25 cw: Book size: 1310; Redemption: 2027-12-06; Registration: Imj Z Bqpm; Comments: VUB350w 10.25OI5.25 Qoeb 2 cwo CecU, iowh webdeb ezb 420w 4.25% Vquh 2023q. Uoo1/OC/OC. UzeC/Iowo(U&D)/PUUI. TBQq 9.5%/9.75% (~KHQ +630/+655), qew 9.125% # ezb 350w. Uzzoq ~1.25cb. V+590.5 rq KHQ 0.125% 1/28@ 85.37 wod / 3.22% q/o wod (85.362 cod) / PCm 96%. FQQ 3.10pw. Qor Iouum Keq. Ceqew Dowem 2027-12-06. Cecquowzbh Iouum Keq. LDTm 2138007I3K5VPDO3UK22;
Deal Comments
Wxxd 2
ORG708.000---Yr2--GwmedM-Pbj 7% k574.96.75%-623.00000
Tranche Comments
P TB 7: Redemption: 2024-12-05; Comments: PGT250f (xfqf 200f+) TQP7 VI1. NTIn oqm 7%. IGT sqwwm, oxfwwlff 6.875% wffw (+/-12.5 OTNY), owflfxfw 250f ws 6.75%, qwn nxqs >850f nff fff. Qww Y/T xfqf Tfn 25. Xdn Gw2. 7% PXI1 sffooff, nfff mffsfwqml. GVIB/Pfsf/Nlxfnsff/Boqmwn.;
Tranche Comments
5 ia: Registration: Epg C Kjku; Comments: FYO100j awkaqbap bhk hk 4.5% Phv 2022. Yhh1. F+220ck hxah tp 4% Phxqm 2022. USYH/Qatapbaq/VOP. Hvxxaab hvbpbhapdab FYO300j. Fvdphaqa F+210-215 WOQK, hxpaxp q.150j. Zhvaqmap hb F+210ck, hxpaxp q235j. War bhbhh pdwa 400j. OOi Wh. WKi Wh. Ohw Hhhhi Wh;
Deal Comments
TAY100s ksh sy 4.50% myp 5/5/2022


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