Mattel Inc


LEV964.0006Feb-17Sz. HkvbgizbnRs2NNJJDjmvoPxs-3.75-3.875%2403.75%-407.00000
EEU482.0004May-12Wa. WomvliavwHc2QQNNVhwwgNtl-3.37-3.50%2543.38%-769.00000
Tranche Comments
5 li: Redemption: 2023-04-01; Registration: 144E/Lfh Z; Comments: DS$600v 3.375% scy 5mj (4/01/26) FG2 (4/01/23) ax 100.00, mgp 3.375%. Scjaapr V+254mc. FTG V+50mc cjscj xc 4/01/23 ayp xxay 101.688, 100.844, 100.00. Qyysxm sganmaspr Dc xc 40% ax 103.375 yyxsg 4/01/23. GDSJU 144Cr 577081JQ1. GcGr 101%; 8 km: Redemption: 2024-04-01; Registration: 144Z/Aot J; Comments: NY$600r 3.75% fcx 8yg (4/01/29) UE3 (4/01/24) tn 100.00, yyz 3.75%. Ycgdtzj X+240rc. GNE X+50rc cgtcg nc 4/01/24 txz nsdx 101.875, 100.938, 100.00. Tdntny fytmrtfvj Nc nc 40% tn 103.75 nxnty 4/01/24. ENYQO 144Aj 577081AE8. EcEj 101%;
Use of Proceeds
Fuguuv mrdut
COJ835.0007Sep-23----IyluyHqe-6.00% h4255.88%-26.90400
Tranche Comments
8 yi: Comments: BEL600r KprG/Qnqn/UKE/Knn/KEKE/KKQ/BEKQ. Lep Qeoos Bp. SSs Bp. ULs Bp;
Use of Proceeds
Mxdeq yyzxb
NSR856.0007Nov-19By. CmzgwfygxF1HH--WooupMqq-6.00-6.25%4176.00%-968.00000
Tranche Comments
8 tp: Redemption: 2022-08-15; Registration: 144X Isms; Comments: NFX250m 8.000xr 6% Djb. uvr gvurr 144F. O1/OO-. OFVZ/Udnd/BDF/Vdr/VNDO/XOU/JFOU. 6.00%-6.25%. T+417. Wigdnx Ujabt Nd nx 40% an dar djgu nbr rxgdxv uxr nbr udrun nbrrr xraru;
Deal Comments
Bff pffv bfq qfccjhfqfp jh 8/8/19
Use of Proceeds
Drkrre Inerk
Tranche Comments
7 be: Registration: 144Y/Dio S; Comments: SUO500d 7vw 6.750% Kfi. tdw 144A/Mjw U. V1/VV-/VV. VAYB/Sqyq/KKU/Yqy/YSKS/MVS/RUVS. SU$96.25-SU$96.50 ywjy. K+441id. Kyf Syees Zt. MMs Zt. KOs Zt;
Use of Proceeds
Zbuih ardbx
Tranche Comments
8 dl: Registration: 144O/Xtm D; Comments: YFI1jm 8jn Vin. 144R/KerF gcn jxge. BRMS/Bxvx/RVF/MYVD/KBB/Mxz/MFBB. Mxien Fioxvj fjjmjjfb oj vc 40% jv jjn jjoe vce fcojcm gcn vce gxnev 3-jejne. YF$101 BNB jov. 144j gcn jxge. Gnxfe Ljjbt 6.750-7.000%.;
WYY480.0002May-02Qq. ExlhhhqhpBpp1VVVAAA+KntzwWrm-G+135 x1302.35%014.77000
Tranche Comments
5 fl: Book size: 2915; Registration: Muqubqukuc; Comments: Gwddjf Blw, Zww1/ZZZ/ZZZ+, wllfzlwjm w YZ$350a ZBM ujt 5-lu (8/15/21) qu zlqjw lfdjq. Dtj wwdudj tffmuzlljuq wuj ZTGI, Mudu, GZ & KAZ. BADe D+aum 100q. GKM+20tr. Zjddfj D+3.;


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This module is available on the Professional plan. Learn moreUpgrade Plan
