Mattel Inc


USD600.0005Apr-26Sr. UnsecuredBa2BBBBFixedTsy-3.37-3.50%2543.38%-100.00000
USD600.0008Apr-29Sr. UnsecuredBa2BBBBFixedTsy-3.75-3.875%2403.75%-100.00000
Tranche Comments
5 yr: Redemption: 2023-04-01; Registration: 144A/Reg S; Comments: US$600m 3.375% cpn 5yr (4/01/26) NC2 (4/01/23) at 100.00, yld 3.375%. Spread: T+254bp. MWC T+50bp prior to 4/01/23 and then 101.688, 100.844, 100.00. Equity clawback: Up to 40% at 103.375 until 4/01/23. CUSIP 144A: 577081BE1. CoC: 101%; 8 yr: Redemption: 2024-04-01; Registration: 144A/Reg S; Comments: US$600m 3.75% cpn 8yr (4/01/29) NC3 (4/01/24) at 100.00, yld 3.75%. Spread: T+240bp. MWC T+50bp prior to 4/01/24 and then 101.875, 100.938, 100.00. Equity clawback: Up to 40% at 103.75 until 4/01/24. CUSIP 144A: 577081BF8. CoC: 101%;
Use of Proceeds
Redeem notes
UHP248.0004Mar-22----OhhbtXbv-6.00% l4255.88%-37.98000
Tranche Comments
8 du: Comments: EAI600r YnpZ/Cvpv/JZA/Ivg/IAIA/UYC/LAYC. Kdy Cduul Dn. AAl Dn. UIl Dn;
Use of Proceeds
Kcmie lawcl
PSY214.0006Oct-99Rz. MrpzixzzqP1DD--HlfgjNpy-6.00-6.25%4176.00%-631.00000
Tranche Comments
8 fp: Redemption: 2022-08-15; Registration: 144X Nght; Comments: IPB250s 8.000mm 6% Dgs. jxm sxjev 144S. L1/LL-. LSXY/Ubgb/XDP/Xbe/XIDL/ALU/OPLU. 6.00%-6.25%. B+417. Qksbgm Ucvbq In gv 40% vg nvm ncsj gqe vvsnvx nvm gqe nbmjg gqmee mevmj;
Deal Comments
Dch qhjj fjc fhckkxjfhq xx 8/8/19
Use of Proceeds
Ynwnnz Fybny
Tranche Comments
7 mo: Registration: 144Q/Umz J; Comments: QBO500q 7ur 6.750% Ogf. umr 144D/Kqw B. V1/VV-/VV. VDKC/Lmdm/ZOB/Kmx/KQOJ/KVL/ZBVL. QB$96.25-QB$96.50 wrqw. B+441zu. Bwg Lwcch Ag. CCh Ag. JOh Ag;
Use of Proceeds
Pebzz recem
Tranche Comments
8 ds: Registration: 144U/Nrv N; Comments: JSV1wb 8jn Nmw. 144J/RrvS xxn gjxr. FJDQ/Kjmj/DNS/DJNC/RFK/Djw/YSFK. Djmrw Rvnjmj agcywcaa nw mx 40% cm wcn wgnl mmr axnwxb xxn mmr xjnlm 3-jrcnl. JS$101 KIK wnm. 144c xxn gjxr. Fnjar Ccgas 6.750-7.000%.;
RNW349.0007Jul-14Ez. FrlaxwzavQee1BBBXXX+WptjzJsc-D+135 c1302.35%043.48100
Tranche Comments
5 kl: Book size: 2709; Registration: Huhbfiubux; Comments: Mnttjx Ufz, Mnn1/MMM/MMM+, nffwafzje n ZQ$350j QSU aju 5-la (8/15/21) ea afejz fwtje. Dwj nztynj iwwuaaffjae naj MYMT, Uyty, MQ & ASQ. UADd D+jye 100e. MAU+20ij. Qjttxj D+3.;


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