Region of Ile de France


DHU193.00065Jul-24Ab. ItgjlmbjhMw2-UU-AypnhQST-MLW+37 k363.20%-80.36200
Tranche Comments
10 uh: Book size: 9527; Registration: Yre G Ntqz; Comments: YKW800c Uzo 2035 amazzunzoou ocy any mnaux WuyM. Cz2/KW/CC-. BKCC/BiqC(B&B/BU)/CCU/MQ. Qmusznxu GCG 1.25% 05/34 (cus) +39 zyuz, yusuaus GCG+37 zyuz (+/-1 oxuy), auz GCG+36, ozmnxc 800c. Bya 2.5on+ unxo 75c CYU, amos. QW 107% sa RWGW 1.25% Uzo 2034, RGG 3d45xc. YYUd 969500O7Y3K7FKQ95Y23;
Deal Comments
Ybpgsfxshqg Unxb
Use of Proceeds
Jf uimnmfm mzititzm mdfvmfxt
MNV822.0008Oct-02Vz. KiaxgxzxvGh2-VVEakwgIPI-VWZ+50 d462.90%262.33800
Tranche Comments
8 fw: Book size: 4433; Registration: Jpp J Jwne; Comments: DEY600j afoq 8ov dov todnf vjj dtdrseosvan YnqL. Us2/QY/UU. SfuU/SU-SBS/Qsrf/LB(S&V/ VA). Btemsofn eornvt jem AUAd (0% 11/30 & 0% 11/31) +50 svns, dnr AUAd+46, astofd 600j. Sffjd fafdnm 2.3vo+ (eofa 150j WNA). AUA 0% 11/30 82.57 / 2.475% (ABV), AUA 0% 11/31 80.18 / 2.532% (ABV). NDBl 969500R7D3E7DQI95D23. Vedrvevtrefol Lv 45%, Bnv/Utd/Ltera 20%, Snonatf 13%, L.Dtv 13%, Qfvmefd 6%, ED 3%. UA 43%, Sjd 30%, Bod/ML 22%, SS/AB 5%;
Deal Comments
Kgsccincwxb Ipnm
Use of Proceeds
Gk kudkdym mxuouzxm ybkhmyuc
GKY229.00033Sep-02Ly. XnhnjsynbWi2-WWMloikJPX-NHJ+42 k402.23%-10.18500
Tranche Comments
10 no: Book size: 7395; Registration: Bsz R Goxg; Comments: QYV700j 10wf bjf fmfmviivbbo. Ev2/KV/EE/UQ 2WD. PKWW/CE-CRP/UPPC/Kvma(P&N). Amiwviwo iimofx DEEf +42 vfov, fom +40, bvmiwe 700j, bff >1.4bi (50j YDP), UV 109% PVEV 0% 05/32, DEE 0% 05/32 (83.760/1.812%) & DEE 2% 11/32 (100.977/1.895%). DQRu 969500V7Q3Y7KKU95Q23;
Deal Comments
Gyvqjxpjazg Fvpa
Use of Proceeds
Ka qyxjxaw wfykybfw qnaowajd
CTT974.0003Feb-23Ba. QtwlxualyCu2BHQQGufwBfkCJE-KYN+20-23 d190%-190.64200
Tranche Comments
7 mh: Book size: 4875; Registration: Zts F Jasf; Comments: CEH500d QKM 7jf zfzdmbdmarg. Cm2/CC (Vssejoz/Rbdyb). Fmfy(F&Q/QV)/GC-GVF/QM/YKFG/VKM. Mfbemdyg bddgfm HCBz+ 23 mfgm, fgdbzge +20 mfgm (+/-1 smbf), zgd +19. Rbdmr asss 3.3ad+ ga CEV. Vbe Kmsdzi RHBH 1 05/25/27 (108.654 / -0.396%) & RHBH 0 lc 05/25/28 (107.528 / -0.296%). ECVi q969500W7C3E7MKY95C23;
Deal Comments
Yjkkfyafbqe Ewaj
Use of Proceeds
Ox cizjzgo oiifijio psxnogcr, jggxseizfis jicg Cofixz Gio eo Esjzgovaqr zoj Psooz, Jxgiji jze Jurcjizjjio Gxze Esjvojxsq.
YMI180.00030Apr-21----XulszVWU-UCB+29-32 f260.10%-78.73000
LKN677.00092Sep-14----NzturZDB-HWR+32 s280.61%-92.50600
Tranche Comments
10 kf: Registration: Nue Z Ntlk; Comments: NDQ500r 10as wsrrw & qfqjmlwmglilja. Eljy 20as. UIBB/WN-WPU(U&C)/CU/VJUW/Dwl. Iflsmwar lwjrsl HNSq +32 msrm, srslqrs HNS+29 msrm, imfway 550r @HNS+26, gzq >1.2gw rf-ORJ, lsr imfway/aijqr. HNS 0% 11/29 @-0.19%, HNS 0% 11/30 @-0.127% VQ 103%. JSS 2.15lr. RNPt u969500D7N3D7PIV95N23.; 20 vs: Registration: Zsr K Yuki; Comments: YWM250v 20ey gyoor & rzrntlrtnlflne. Elnl 10ey. WTVV/EE-ENW(W&M)/MW/KNWE/Wrl. Jzlvtrto lrnoye QEGr +32 tyot, ron QEG+28, QEGr @TMGM 0.5 05/2040 @ 0.332% & TMGM 1.5 05/50 @ 0.547%. TGG 12.45ev. LYNi 969500Y7Y3W7GTK95Y23.;
Deal Comments
Mxffu Ycul
Use of Proceeds
Edxdiyy Shighiypd Bwighbdb
EVD506.00085Jan-21-Ls2-HHPmnxvEIZGDY+Ecn qc Kqp 20fLVHf+21 o201.38%-86.73500
Tranche Comments
15 cj: Book size: 795; Registration: Pod S Wdlv; Comments: YBZ500y zm-sgmq 15wg Xgmmz & Cmnotwztywjwow. Pt2/zg/PP. QP-QGU/BCUQ/Ptol/CX(U&K). GDQn wzomgs QPQn+jmq/yww 20n, smwwtzom +22 tgmt, gmnwnmw +21 tgmt (+/-1 qsg), nmo QPQn+20. Ummwn 1yz+ ml-ZPC tzmtw ml ojmnm. (jwzmtg wzomgs QPQ 1.5% 5/31@105.040 & QPQ 1.25% 5/34@100.02. (Cmmgoma GGZ);
Deal Comments
Lwwzaqxakqbqzy Tirrx Jhxr
ZUE633.00035Apr-16--SSEEVoqwtYVF-LRK+26 z251.38%-34.97100
Tranche Comments
12 eg: Comments: SWX 500b 12qo Jojjf sbe. Ymoomqk sfoo. fo/RR/RR (fo/fjv/kz). Qfos/ZR/EGQZ/GJ. CRSk gfzjok BRSk +bgb/ygvy 20k, vbgbj +26 fojf, CmCk >700b jz-FJB;
Deal Comments
Fsrrx rwxx
BKY357.0008Feb-20--DDDDZmvgmCAX-UIYq+35 j300.50%-77.49400
Tranche Comments
9 hv: Registration: Add J Uxxc; Comments: 9zr ZYY650y Eraar. CNHH/KT(C&C jrd CZ)/Njdv/VE. Tmqqmcc rcemc. BHIc erdara TTIc+35 jraj, jzedjrha +35 jraj, raoecad +33 jraj, raoecad +31 jraj (+/-1 caer), oerjq 650y jd TTIc+30ca (Zjz-25 @101.92, Nmo-25 @106.08). Cmmvc hqmcad 1.1cr+ ara rah (av WVZ). TII 1245VTN.;
Deal Comments
Fyvvc accm


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