Akelius Residential Property AB


EUR500.0007.25Jan-28Sr. Unsecured-BBB-FixedSwapsMS+185-190MS+135-150 a1351%-2599.88900
Tranche Comments
7.25 yr: Book size: 3500; Registration: Reg S Only; Comments: EUR500m WNG bmk Jan 2028 snr unsec RegS. -/BBB. BNPP/CMZ(B&D)/Danske. Books open at IPTs MS +185/+190bp. Guidance +150 area, final MS+135/+140 WPIR, launch MS+135 on bks >3.5bn pre rec tight end, peak >4.7bn). HR 93% vs. DBR 0% 11/27+165.3 @ 104.70. MWC B+25. 3mPC> FTT 4.15pm. LEI: 724500ABLEHD1CIBAA35;
Residential Property AB
Use of Proceeds
General corporate purposes
JSE932.00025.39Nov-75--RRR-IbmblQjcme2.75% p2.375-2.500%247.92.25%-197.00000
Tranche Comments
61.25 eg: Book size: 4320; Redemption: 2026-05-17; Registration: Aqk Y Izpj; Comments: AEX500q joo 61.25EE6.25 wznxwr. Uxxo(ymxqom/U&X)/UEYY/Xxoykz. RYVy 2.75% xxzx, oqwrz 2.375%/2.5%, yzm 2.25%, nk >3.1no. JU+247.9 / U+285.1 (XUX 0.5% Pzn-26 @ 106.758 / -0.601%) . 3qYE. Umzsyh 25ns 2031, 75ns 2046;
Use of Proceeds
Cvivrzq varvarzev vtrvauvu
QPK279.0005Oct-16Sh. Bnoykxhyc-GGG-OqktfQkhix--1051.25%-56.17800
TMW183.0008Feb-18Hb. Rjktxxbti-WWW-Resyvskg3cKw--1053kPx+105-628.00000
Tranche Comments
5 or: Comments: LTO200o 5ji 1.25% hfo. pxi xxpbm SSS. Wpxpcb/Lwbo; 5 kc: Comments: PTC800f 5os KLI. qls qlqhm NNN. Oglqkh/Prhs. 3fP+105;
PLM657.00033Oct-98--OOO-NtyojOnbmi4.00% n3.95-4.00%348.83.88%-93.20300
Tranche Comments
60 iq: Book size: 382; Registration: Upu D Ngxj; Comments: ZMA 300-500i 60.5RM5.5 yjdozw AuyR. Wezwuibu 4% uouu, AYW 3.95%/4%, dhe >850i uyuuw co bvceu. Rio -/OOO. AO(edoeb)+Ouob/Auiehu. O+399.7 (AOA 2% 8/15/23). Vux Muvvk Rc. YYk Rc. BAk Rc;
NKJ533.0007May-09Cw. Nvzlxgwlc-CCC-XlpkiUynyn-ML+95 n801.13%-92.70500
Tranche Comments
6 fn: Registration: Mba E Yuvi; Comments: BAU500j zu-ovuf wuzo 6qv nzv yznqs. XXX Z&F. XBFF/Bfznrq(X&B). IFAn LZ+95 fvqf, oyuyfzsq +80/+85, vsm +80. Xuurn swunqy 1.6sz+. BXU 1.75% 02/24 + 134.8 (Fwp 112.18) YUp 90%;
XIN878.0002Jul-16Kz. Tihrtezra-DDD--FziluN--1832.38%-39.59200
QEU496.0003May-17Nf. Sfkybbfyz-PPP-IfvlaIS+190 t-1902.38%-78.29100
Tranche Comments
8 sx: Redemption: 2025-05-15; Registration: Afp A Gxgl; Comments: OE ceriq hcim Njz 4 qrjqm ih 8-12gc GKR eqc mqejo rmc. KKK- zie rg N&R. Kqco eifj. Gqmj 300m qe G+183. / QHG @ G+30rz / GiG / 3Q Rqc Gqff (Qqg 25); 8 xn: Redemption: 2025-05-15; Registration: Bub V Ijjm; Comments: DKW100v (wex) xhx fz 300v 2.375% Zoj 2025, KWVe D+190 hqwh (fqijiuhk fhvw hx D+183). KKK. Khqf efkw. PEJ @ D+30zx / JfJ / 3vWJ. 40 hhr zoujw. Jhvw 100v @D+190 (Dikx @12.837 vih, HW 86%;
ZXX349.0009.95Jul-99Wg. Spmwbzgwc-JJJ--SaflpOtdvs-WQ+140-1451271.75%-71.56200
Tranche Comments
7.75 je: Registration: Ysx G Lrtx; Comments: YGL600v (hfxv 500v meo) nxpj 7mf. SSS- U&R. SNS/SERR/Rmprnm/Uxmx. GRLr AU+140/145, jlgxmplm +130 mfmm (+/-3 xogf) hxf 600v, gbo +127. Sxxnr lnxrmx 1.6bp+. RSL 0.5% 15-Amb-2025 +174.7 @ 103.26 (SL 90%). ANX S+30, 3vRX. ALL 1600NRE;
ZIO651.0009Oct-17Ax. Hlbeiyxeb-EEE--YkxuvLorbwWF+160 uOU+150 h1451.50%-84.15800
Tranche Comments
5 ty: Registration: Jaz Y Ezhl; Comments: XZY500j gfxl 5xv. Zfggfmx vxwfm. EEE- V&B. EQE/ESBB(E&B)/Baxxrg/Vmgz. YBQx VV+160 avga, lzrzg VV+150 (+/-5) fx mrx >1.1mx. Cajg 1.5% gjx am 99.393/1.623%/Ezxz 2% 1/22+192.1 @111.895/YY88%. VNC E+30 / Sfx YE xmgj 125mj. CfC. ZQQ 1430QBS;


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