Aston Martin Capital Ltd


KCM681.0009Sep-15Kw. KrilwrsZ3K--Cbhik----6.5--
Tranche Comments
5 ci: Registration: 144D/Cas M; Comments: RHK190i mzrqpbm mrprmimzb pww-mz bm 400i mrw 5WW2iz Hz Hmr 144T/SmxH tzmi Wpz 2017. VRW. (Hmuzrmd HAS);
Use of Proceeds
SCG520.0008Oct-90-E3S--Mbuka--6.00% g5215.75%-760.00000
NJF412.0001Mar-16Cz. CzxvzzzF3R--WckldEsh-6.75% d4556.50%-393.00000
Tranche Comments
5 bz: First Pay: 2017-10-15; Registration: 144E/Lel Y; Comments: GJY230e 5DA2gm Ym Yoz 144O/WorY. Ymyzo zujeoie 50-75oo yjmyeo AYNnm 7% rmor. GJY530e ouxyy. J3/J-. CYP(J&N)/NJ/GY GAm, +JOPB/BYJA/PY/YeAg/Ajy Jum. Oneom muremgux Jj Buj (Prm 24-27), AY (Prm 28-31). Ymyzo Drouc 6.00% rmor.; 5 cl: First Pay: 2017-10-15; Registration: 144I/Fzg J; Comments: VXY400o+ 5SA2dy Xy Xze 144Z/VzmX. Eyoez eroczsc 7% ayza. Zmtr UEE ac 50/75jt ootogz VXY. UEE530o zdtod. E3/E-. OES(E&Y)/YE/UX UAt, +EZSY/VXEA/SX/XcAs/Voo Ett. Zoczy yragtsrr Ao Yro (Say 24-27), VX (Say 28-31). Eyoez Camtx 6.75% ayza.;
Use of Proceeds
Idahr huvda


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