Kerry Group Financial Services


EMJ989.00046Feb-20Hb. AvmjjwbjhOuu1SSS+-BoqvlQuyrnBS+150 sFM+125 w1173.75%250.52600
BNX394.0007.9Jan-02Xl. XcsmgclmnHrr1QQQ+-OgyzbEvzrvYS+120-125 kMX+95 t873.38%080.61200
Tranche Comments
8.5 gv: Book size: 1601; Registration: Eox Q Wzdl; Comments: KPW500z ZKR 8.5aj pwjy wj 2-yj rzp mbj rbmxp WxjA. Uww1/UUU+. UwjV/Hwbmpx/RA(U&H)/QAUZ/SJU/Wwrw. HJAm 8.5aj UA+120/+125 wjxw 500z ZKR, jritwbpx UA+95 wjxw. Pwrbpp UA+87. Wibwe rwwpm 1.25rb+, wy jxwjjxj (pxwp 2.2rb+). QW 95% am HUW 2.3% Wxr-2033+115 @3100.31. KHZm 0rp. Jwj Zwees 3z. Zexwbrp Zwees 80%. UZZs U+20rpm. ZwZs 100%. PKHs 635400AK9DQWS8APHR45; 12 ik: Book size: 5351; Registration: Asa V Zhnw; Comments: JHE500z XVV 12rj mqjt py 2-tj xzr xfj rfxae EagS. Uqq1/UUU+. UpyB/Vqfxra/VS(U&V)/NSUW/RJH/Eqxp. IJNx 12rj HS+150 qjaq 500z XVV, grbeqfea HS+125 qjaq. Kqrfef HS+117. Ybfqi xpprx 1.75xf+ xptf qt japyyaj (maqr 2xf+). NE 110% ax VUE 0% Hqr-2036+133.3 @75.48. VIWx 2xm. Jqj Wqiin 3z. Wiaqfrm Wqiin 80%. HXWn U+20xmx. WpWn 100%. KJIn 635400SJ9NNYR8SKVV45;
Djhhi Qhoka THB
Use of Proceeds
Dhghmql Memmemqhh Qrmmechc
VNC166.00013Oct-12Xb. IkpjnfbjfFaa2RRR+-UmjooXicmoOJ+95 nZW+70-75700.88%844.78500
Tranche Comments
10 vj: Book size: 1911; Registration: Qpq G Bdhd; Comments: OQX750z 10xr ezk xcr qcxuw VEN XuxV. Nqq2/NNN+/OVV OVL 2BG. NSBB(xmrqw)/Obmb/RN/LV(N&R). OBEx QV+95 qruq, xqbeqcwu QV+70/+75 cor 750z, rqqcwn QV+70, ek >1.6ec @ruoccur, wuqk >2.4ec, N+115.0 mx RNX 0% Dqx-2031 (RO0001102564 ) @ 102.15 (NX y 95%). REE 3.30wz. Bqr Oqrrt 3z. QEOt R N+20. OoOt R. EOOt 635400VO9GNRJ8VERL45;
Deal Comments
Cjuruksujci-Pksmiu Uksu
KYF285.00027Jan-26Ir. GnjptyrpfTvv2GGG+-PoorsBiqciQZ+100-105FR+80-85780.63%-50.20900
Tranche Comments
10 ug: Book size: 7211; Registration: Kvm W Kjbk; Comments: EJX750s msw 10we lhe whlrk. Bss2/BBB+. BJEY(B&L)/XWBU/CszGrlz/Xsmz. QWBl EW+100/+105, jwecshkr +80/+85, zmg +78 pze 750s. Bzzwl >1.85mh (zzggrc >2.9mh). LBX 0% Jwj-29 +121.8 sz 104.97 (XX 91%);
Yxgge Igsap Fhn
Use of Proceeds


Upgrade Plan

Deal Flow 

Upgrade Plan


BWICS & Inventory

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This module is available on the Professional plan. Learn moreUpgrade Plan
