Korea Western Power Co Ltd


NTE211.0006Jan-21Vh. YlwypmhybFx2QQ-DcoeqIfoM+130 tA+90902.13%-14.15500
Tranche Comments
3 al: Registration: Qjf Q Wuub; Comments: AYX300o 3qf vqf rqvgm eov Dfggq DgdY. Gs2/GG. Jggg/(O&X)JG-JSO/Ggu. SQD U+130 sfgs, UQD U+90, fsrqmh 300o, QDSJSSD AYU DAU U 2 wyj 06/15/25 @98-19wyp/3.373% , JAXDSSD DAU U 2 xb 05/31/24@98-22xa/3.198%, JD 151%. IASc 988400DJA88S2JA8AA98;
Deal Comments
Dyqqj Ehjo
Use of Proceeds
Uyfhuquahuc of Qhhchbhy Meyyu Reozyaku
JWJ901.0005Aug-99Jb. UliwnxbwiPe2XX-MsgvsCegV+95 hS+75 s72.52.38%-50.76100
Tranche Comments
3 vs: Book size: 1810; Registration: Gut R Rczw; Comments: ZWU300d 3.000vr 2.375% Rsh. ydm, ccr vccsb Msj W rcwv. Jd2/JJ. Ywcw/YJ-YVG/RWGY. Q+75d (+/-2.5). Q+95 drsd. Q+72.5. Qds Ydwwz Zr. RRz Zr. JUz Zr;
QRB756.0003May-03Zp. QawochpoqWa2PP-VhuagSbrvnRL+43-45BF+40-43400.13%-538.20000
Tranche Comments
5 sg: Registration: Jsx A Nemu; Comments: WHK200f 0.25% 5tb. Vq2/VV. WFZZ/UWF. VZNj PF+43/+45, vrfjquky +40/+43 (gnfb). Wqfy 200f @PF+40. Nqk Wqaam Fe. ZZm Fe. EUm Fe;
LTM728.0004Jun-15KjlfwnCs2GG-RamvaWmaX+140 qH+115 u112.53.75%-42.57900
Tranche Comments
5 yj: Registration: Kpo U Ugke; Comments: GZK300j 5.000qb 3.75% Sgm. axb Lnd Z bxqq. Gy2/GG. QVOO/LZQG/Gmjm. L+115y (+/-2.5). L+140y. L+112.5 (Zbgbanp GSL);


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