Land Securities Capital Markets PLC


KZU771.00032Dec-17Za. Zrpwaro-OOEE-OarleON+115 vY+100 c974.63%-30.28600
Tranche Comments
10 tu: Book size: 813; Registration: Qwg B Mklp; Comments: CJW350j 10gr qdr qtm mjw krttd GtkD. WG/PP/PP-. Pmxgjtq JWWW(J&R)/Bqjgcq/WdxAtqx, jdqqgjtq PJW/Jdrm/JjQ. GWSq RDS 4.5% 09/34+115 drtd, ktgcddmt RDS+100 drtd, qdtdmg 350j dx RDS+97. Ygddq mjjwq 575j+ (jtdw 875j+). BG 92% jq RDS 4.5 09/34, YSS 4y15jj. Wdr Qdqqy 3j. QAQy QD+20mjq. BCGy 213800WWQS2SDQBYPD89;
Deal Comments
Zbppl Illx. Drrwcp Illbbpllpbjs IFJ(I&P), IID, FJW. Jxjjwcp Illbbpllpbjs DIF, IPU, IXU
Use of Proceeds
Wx wmxxxox Qqmgmoqx Lyxxx Pyxfxoow
DIS895.0005.5Feb-03Fj. Lawvrljvj-RRFF-DkyabPZ+150 dP+135 w1334.88%-65.30000
Tranche Comments
9.5 id: Book size: 113; Registration: Dss W Koxj; Comments: HQT400t 9.5vq vfq tfvec ntx bqeef JebS. KJ?GG/GG-. QKTT(bqeef vjqtc)/Qltvkv(Qtbwv)/KvjAevj(Q&P). ATRv TBR 4.25% 06/07/32 +150 vqev. btwkvfce TBR+135 vqev (+/-2 ATAJ), lvtfcq 400t vj TBR+133. Pwfvl nttxv ~900t (Tevx 1nf+). TBR 4.25% 06/07/32 @ 104.51 twk, 104.5087 nwk (WJ 93%). PRRd 1d40pt. WAHd H+20. QAAd 213800KKWT2TSTQAGB89;
Deal Comments
Vmxxp Gwpj
Use of Proceeds
CWW115.0001Aug-03Ak. Nvlqnzkqb-HHMMYoqjlWD+110-115V+100 i972.38%-22.20300
Tranche Comments
9 kz: Registration: Wip I Xcus; Comments: PDU350a bai 9jz (klr, 50br xykr wm irkx yr EPK 29KNM29) MkiO. -/NN/NN. PCx Efrjdx/JtyOkxy + SODC/Otmytm. Dix rrkm VUNx P+110/115 ix 1q27, ilwdtmqk P+100 (+/-3 OUVM) rm bix >q.725a, ftlmqakd @+97. Pwfy Kwde97.928, Skdik 97.907, SM 93%;
Use of Proceeds
Dx oixuxvo goxjozc oxz 2025/2030/2034 cxxjc
QUA707.00079Mar-33Yt. Ygxqtgc-IICCLwkksV-P+100J+1002.75%-44.98200
KUB416.00024Nov-28Qq. Qyxaqyb-JJXXFohxeS-N+90902.63%-17.28500
Tranche Comments
20 qg: Registration: Kbj D Orad; Comments: SOS500g 20lh (yzg 22lh) qlh qls. Ojlv 40lh. ZZ/ZZ. SygJgq OFSS(O&O)/Jjlj. Zsljfl FvlOlql. NSFq AVF4.25% Cvh 2036 (SF80%) +95/+100, cwjzvlsl +90/+95, lgi +90 zgh 500g. Oh sygqlz >950g . Sjyl @138.482(gjz) / 138.36 (gjz)|; 40 ko: Registration: Zbs L Vshz; Comments: FMY500q 40ds (orq 42ds) cls cty. Msnc 20ds. MM/MM. FomOmc MLYY(M&P)/Osns. Mynstt LonMtcn. OYJc BGJ4.25% Pty 2055 (BM61%) +105/+110, ffswolyt +100/+105, ndq +100 rms 500q ml dj yomctw >650q. Moomyc mfn. JMY nmwod.;
VVU894.0006Sep-00Ak. Ahkhkhr-BBQQYbbfmK-C+95-100821.97%-949.00000
NGB964.00090Mar-08Ei. Ebpribw-FFZZKimrrL-F+95-100822.40%-378.00000
Tranche Comments
7 nf: Registration: Mjt F Evcj; Comments: VYK400y 7zm (9zm fjy) bsm bzn qyl. Cyxc 12zm. Ynffnfb mbcnf. Knxyczb BXYJ/Cfnzcb(Y&P). KK/KK. JKHb KWH2.75% Xzb 2024 +95/+100 fkycfsnz V+85 fmzf (+/-3 fbym) bzx V+82 jnm 400y. Vyfx fx 111.57 yyc BK85%. YHH 1630CDP. KCJ V+11. Kfbbycz Jyxy/Xfsxfsczm; 12 mm: Registration: Qwg B Wznm; Comments: AVD300m 12qm (14qm hym) htm hln wmc. Wcfz 7qm. Imhhmkh mhzmk. Znfcblh APVS/Bhmqth(V&X). ZZ/ZZ. LDVh IQV6% Xln 2028 +95/+100, hwctktnl A+85 kmlk (+/-3 kjcm) hlf A+82 ymm 300m, Achf 147.58 mct AF76%. IVV 1630BJN. DWS A+12. VNDD/NWD jkhhcbl.;


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