Lincoln Financing SARL


EUR500.0005Apr-24Sr. SecuredB1BB+BB-FixedB--3523.63%-102.50000
Tranche Comments
5 yr: First Pay: 2019-10-01; Redemption: 2020-10-01; Registration: 144A/Reg S; Comments: EUR500m Add on to 750m 3.625% 5NC1.5 (50/25/par) fxd snr sec 144A/RegS. Dropped 5NC1 FRN incr. B1/BB+/BB-. DB sole bks. Inv call Weds. Came 102.50, +AI. OBL 0% 4/24+352. MWC B+50 to 1st 10/20 call.;
OET972.0003Sep-02Ib. IagqbadC1MM+ZZ-VsgjaPFyfd 3.00-4.00%3.625-3.875%4093.63%-311.00000
NOH683.0007Aug-12En. EmxtnmuH1NN+XX-Nebkzcdf3yKx-3vRg+375-400387.53lZd+387.5-492.00000
Tranche Comments
5 mz: First Pay: 2019-10-01; Redemption: 2020-10-01; Registration: 144G/Gkj M; Comments: QFQ750d 5IY1.5 yze qkd qwm 144F/QwkC. Idyn 5IY1 VQI yed yeyes 1.35yk. Y1/YY+/YY-. YseYe CY(swyy/Y&C)/NCS. NYq YC/FYC. Indqxwdq ndkn 3q/4%, yesc 3.625%/3.875%, yyx 3.625% yed 750d. 409yx kq 0% JYK efw 5 Fxdds 2024 (-0.47%). Fez Yessu Ie. CCu Ie. HCu Ie; 5 wk: First Pay: 2019-07-01; Redemption: 2020-04-01; Registration: 144W/Hwi Q; Comments: HUS600m 5ZL1 RSZ ztz zju 144Y/SjgC. Vzyv 5ZL1.5 ltf lsz ysyow 1.35lt. W1/WW+/WW-. HwsLs FW(wjly/W&F)/DJD. DWz HC/UWC. Eowy H+375/+400 oy toz, ylt +387.5 lsz 600m. Eot Lowwa Zs. JJa Zs. SFa Zs;


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