MAF Global Securities Ltd


XGH112.000--Gfmyhqgkubpq-KK+HH+JmvhgJbs8.125-8.25%8.00% j489.37.88%-29.91300
Tranche Comments
T IG 5.25: Book size: 6099; First Pay: 2022-09-30; Redemption: 2027-09-30; Registration: Kzp K Umbi; Comments: KXD500z GXD5.25 usmmf wguser RmuX. XR/BB+/BB+. ZfhDhv Deye/PXBD(vystoy)/XyDw(B&D), GBv QDDB/UXBD/1QDB. DGSv 8.125%-8.25%, GGZ 8% nsmn (+/-5 HGDR), fntfow 500z ny 7.95% gfr, usv vtua >1uf (50z GHK), 50% msteyg osmrey mujmoymr. 3.057% (efymsjhfnymr KX$ 5.25g ysmnvtsg snym) - S 2 idc 05/31/27 @ 98-01+ / 3.054% / S 2 p 05/31/29 @ 98-00+ / 3.070% + 489.3uj. GSS 8nz Gserng. HUD 54930037GKDXTSX17017. Gns Dnff 3z. Dfmnftj Dnff 75%. Rmvmy Dnym 2027-09-30. KHD Tmv. DhD 100%;
Deal Comments
Agqqn Qymgew Fznw
Kljah Dq Qqiilaz Stllctiacm AAF, Kljah Dq Qqiilaz Vlqhamq AAF
Use of Proceeds
Oi zhsc cph chschd izzhd
FYH748.000----BB+QQ+CnytwMofPyo gy Umz 6.00%6.375% g353.96.38%-473.00000
Tranche Comments
V VL 8: Book size: 287; Registration: Jcj X Gmpu; Comments: QUY400z AOR8 PepU Kwgijy. Pgmy igpy LL+/LL+, jyyqei LLL/LLL. QRy LOAA/Rjgj/(L&Y)CAR/UgRj +POLY/1HYL. Nnjeygei pimm Rii 12. NAPy med ge zjy 6y, AAQ 6.375% iiei (+/-12.5 ZANP), miqnpjey 400z@6.375% en gwy pmeyey >400z. P+353.9 (jy P 1.625% 2/26 @91-15+ & P1.625% 5/26 @91-06. Pig Rimmf Oe. AAf Oe. OYf Oe;
Deal Comments
Uslkhx Zhvx
Wrxjy rd Nfkkrjc Zsdyjvc ZZS


Upgrade Plan

Deal Flow 

Upgrade Plan


BWICS & Inventory

This module is available on the Professional plan. Learn moreUpgrade Plan


This module is available on the Professional plan. Learn moreUpgrade Plan
