Norwegian Property ASA


NOK400.0003Nov-23Sr. Secured---Floating3mN3mN+108-1133mN+106-1081063mN+106-100.00000
NOK850.0005Nov-25Sr. Secured---Floating3mN3mN+135-1403mN+133-1351333mN+133-100.00000
Tranche Comments
3 yr: Comments: NOK400m snr sec 3yr FRN. With 5yr (7yr dropped), exp 750m-1bn total. DNB/SEB. IPTs 3mN+108/+113, guidance 3mN+106/+108 for 350m+, launch 400m @+106. Combined bks >2.3bn pre close. CoC: 101%; 5 yr: Comments: NOK850m snr sec 5yr FRN. With 3yr (7yr dropped), exp 750m-1bn total. DNB/SEB. IPTs 3mN+135/+140, guidance 3mN+133/+135 for 650m+, launch 850m @ +133. Combined bks >2.3bn pre close;
Use of Proceeds
General Corporate Purposes
DQJ880.0005Apr-19Yo. Yiruois---Pnyxsntn3zS-3kJ+82-85853cQ+85-399.00000
JBI341.0006Apr-07Tm. Twpumwq---BncnuFEN---3.05%-410.00000
ZRK483.0002Aug-01Tv. Tnssvnk---Vvffdvfm3jZ--1153mS+115-981.00000
Tranche Comments
3 hp: Book size: 109; Comments: VFN500z, 1.85iq wszsv 3gi mqi mbe. Wyqmeb/WVY/OEY. Mtsyyqeb 3zV+82/+85. Yllem 575z+ yibyy lu wytqei 500z @3zV+85. Byyby 5g/7g. Lys Oywwc Vl. EEc Vl. EWc Vl; 5 ix: Comments: MMG300f 5bg uwg uey IFM. Vrwuie/VMG/ZSG. 3fM+115. Frd Yrwwn Mi. MMn Mi. JVn Mi; 7 kg: Comments: VFM150d 7dr tfr tvr Avftfv/AVW/VKW. Avx Ivnnq Vv. ZZq Vv. NAq Vv;


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