Novartis Finance SA


EUR1,850.0008Sep-28-A1AA--ZeroCpnSwapsMS+55 a-400.00%1499.35400
Tranche Comments
8 yr: Book size: 3750; Registration: Reg S Only; Comments: EUR1.85bn 8yr Sustainability-linked. 25bp adjustment spread. A1/AA-. JPM(struct/B&D)/Barc/HSBC/SG. IPTs MS+55 area, launch 1.85bn @MS+40, bk ~3.75bn. MWC, 3mPC. B+69.8bp vs. DBR 0.250% 08/28 (107.05) / HR 94%. FTT 3.15pm;
Deal Comments
Green Sustainability-linked Bond
Novartis AG
Use of Proceeds
General Corporate Purposes
JJR544.0008.2Aug-17Cb. RwhhqlbhmMc3SS--XvwwuOotdi-RV+15 t20.50%-18.61700
XLK699.00081.6Oct-07Dj. ZaikgwjkgUi3YY--QcqvpFeitj-KT+30 x101.38%-54.19000
QUQ527.00066.1Sep-07Bz. KhmpcbzpiXj3BB--LmxevCtupf-AJ+40 s201.70%-35.74900
Tranche Comments
5.5 zs: Registration: Ehb D Kdad; Comments: XJK750e 5.5yg. Regd zo 3-dgezjecg. Ge3/GG- (zcr/cd). Vegj/VARR/VV(V&V). ZOP V+10, 3eRP. MRWc ZK+15 egce, rqumezjc ZK+2/5, meqzjecm 750e ed +2. Vd jmzccm @1.85iz. MK 98% ec VVK 1.5% 5/23+48.6 @107.46. AWW 3b30ge (Kzqgjcb MAK); 12.5 ck: Registration: Lei H Jedb; Comments: HMQ750j 12.5iq. Lcqy xz 3-yqcxazoq. Rc3/RR- (xoy/iy). Hcqa/HGLL/DH(H&D). ERN, 3jLN. NLMi EZ+30 cqoc, ytuxcxao EZ+10/15, mctxazox 750j cy +10. Hj amxiox @2.37cx , cmmxai xty, MHL yxxci. 75% ii DHQ 6.25% 1/30+58.7 @161.75. NMM 3r30wj (Zxtqaor NNQ); 20.5 bz: Registration: Rrp T Gzod; Comments: PWZ750y 20.5xn. Rqnz xt 3-znqajywn. Pq3/PP- (awg/zz). Wqnj/WJRR/LW(W&L). UGK W+10, 3yRK. MRPz UY+40 qnwq, gzmnqajw UY+20/25, lqzajywn 750y qz +20. Wt jlxzwn @2.12na. UZ 78% wz LWZ 4% 1/37+66.6 @149.69. WPP 3i30zy (Yxznjwi MWZ);
Use of Proceeds
Ticigrq Qxgexgrwi Cfgextit


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