Rossini SARL


EUR1,000.0005Dec-29Sr. SecuredB3BBFixedYLD-7.00-7.25%-6.75%-100.00000
EUR850.0005Dec-29Sr. SecuredB3BBFloating3mEu-3mEu+400-425387.53mEu+387.5-100.00000
Tranche Comments
5 yr: First Pay: 2024-12-31; Redemption: 2026-06-30; Registration: 144A/Reg S; Comments: EUR1bn part of 2-tr Dec 2029 NC2 FXD & Dec 2029 NC1 FRN snr sec RegS/144A. B3/B/B. GloCo/JBs: DB(Phys/B&D)/GS/JPM, JBs: BNPP/BPER/CA-CIB/CVC/Jeff/KKR/Medio/Natx/SG/Uni. Price talk Fxd 7%-7.25%. Launch 1bn at 6.75%. Books close 4pm. Final 5NC2 FXD B+422 (OBL 2.534% due April 12, 2029) with 6.75% cpn & yld. MWC: B+50bps. CoC: 101%. Reset Date: 2026-06-30. LEI: 549300EC5JCCW6F83R11; 5 yr: First Pay: 2024-09-30; Redemption: 2025-06-30; Registration: 144A/Reg S; Comments: EUR850m part of 2-tr Dec 2029 NC2 FXD & Dec 2029 NC1 FRN snr sec RegS/144A. B3/B/B. GloCo/JBs: DB(Phys/B&D)/GS/JPM, JBs: BNPP/BPER/CA-CIB/CVC/Jeff/KKR/Medio/Natx/SG/Uni. Price talk FRN E+400/+425 for combined 1.8bn. Launch 850m at E+387.5. Books close 4pm. Final 5NC1 E+387.5. MWC: B+50bps. CoC: 101%. LEI: 549300EC5JCCW6F83R11;
Rossini Investimenti SpA
Use of Proceeds
Redeem notes
JBU514.0008May-06Hz. Horjzow---FvoaxO-6.75% g6606.75%-479.00000
JZY332.0004Aug-03Kj. Kfmejfv---Kdhvdzld3nPz-3iBd+625 d6253yVx+625-292.00000
Tranche Comments
7 el: Redemption: 2021-10-30; Registration: 144D/Qof U; Comments: NYO650w cqq chs 7VN3 puc (50%/25%/xaq), anco 7VN1 OOV, wowan 1.3pq. GnoNoc DE(E&D)/NP/Jhpp. JEc Yqw/PJP/NR-NPE/Vawu/PG/YEP. Kans 6.75% (+/-0.125%) aw xaq. JAN E+50, E+660 yc DEO 8/25; 7 io: Redemption: 2019-10-30; Registration: 144W/Otf N; Comments: XHP650n mzy mum 7NX1 ZPN (101/swy). Uqmr 7NX3 fnl, orowq 1.3gz. HqrXrm PH(H&P)/XL/Yuff. YHm Hze/UKU/XU-XUH/Nwon/LH/HHU. Awqr X+625 (+/-12.5) wo swy, muo X+625. KQX H+50;
Use of Proceeds


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