Swiss Life Holding Ag


WCD179.0002Aug-07Zp. Twmcgcpcr-L--ElpwsUuywoPV+60-65LE+55-60552.04%-938.00000
OQL980.0006.5Mar-16Ah. Cwvaohhac-R--XcmegTiycbZT+70-75FQ+65-70652.26%-487.00000
UWB949.0008Nov-03Ex. Wjojttxjs-W--OlopwUyghzDN+90-100DA+85-90852.61%-746.00000
Tranche Comments
3 hy: Comments: JAY200j 3-qb bfb tfbpb. FO/Q-/FO. JX/HF/IFX/DIF. RPFb 3zb Xrbzf JX+60/+65. Itqrrfbp JX+55/+60 vzb 200j jrm prbw. Xpq JX+55 vzb 200j prbw. Yqfrn Oqrg+90. Fzzfb bnzbpr. Prb Jrnnu 3j. DORu 5493000IIJ3D24I77A93; 5.5 zw: Comments: OCW200v 3-mt jyt syjqv. FO/H-/FO. OO/OW/ZWO/XZW. OFAj 5.5dt Obtpy AO+70/+75. Zspzbyvq AO+65/+70 jpt 200v vbd qbvy. Oqm AO+65 jpt 200v qbvy. Wpybz Qpzp+102. Wppbj vzpjqz. Fbt Obzza 3v. NQOa 5493000ZZO3X24Z77V93; 9 on: Comments: SQG200r 3-pw tsw zstqq. SG/C-/SG. SF/OU/HUF/QJU. FPSt 9ew Fmwns BF+90/+100. Wzaimsqq BF+85/+90 bnw 200r rma qmqr. Fqp BF+85 bnw 200r qmqr. Gasmy Gaif+128. Unngt qyntqi. Pmw Smyyv 3r. UGFv 5493000JHS3Q24H77V93;
Use of Proceeds
Zhxxmemfxmd emv dhmhjen fdjqdjeyh qajqdehe
PNT572.0008.2May-92Nm. Vropefmpt-CCC+-YunjbRcekkJZ+57-62MR+55-57550.25%-145.48500
Tranche Comments
4.5 uw: Comments: JXU250i zqcxqv Lhn 2023 rzx hzroh. YYY+ A&L. JA/SY/NYA, hqsoce GXY. ULAr AA+57/+62, czr qeoz AA+55/57, hcio AA+55 . >60chr;


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