Virgin Media Finance PLC


EUR500.00010Jul-30Sr. UnsecuredB2BBFixedB3.75-4%-4053.75%-100.00000
USD250.00010Jul-30Sr. UnsecuredB2BBFixedTsy--4005.00%-101.00000
Tranche Comments
10 yr: Registration: 144A/Reg S; Comments: EUR500m 10NC5 snr unsec RegS/144A, 50/25/12.5/par. With USD125m 5% 2030 tap. B2/B/B. Lead books BofA(B&D)/GS. Other books JPM/Barc/BNPP/Citi/HSBC/MS/NWM/Scotia/SG. Talk 3.75%/4%, came 3.75%, B+405 vs DBR0% 2/30; 10 yr: Registration: 144A/Reg S; Comments: US$250m(upsized from US$125m) add-on to the 5.00% 07/15/2030 at 101.00, yld 4.873%. Spread: T+400bp. MWC T+50bp. Call Schedule: 07/15/2025 102.50, 07/15/2026 101.25, 07/15/2027 100.625, 07/15/2028 100.00.;
Deal Comments
US$250m add-on to the 5.00% due 7/15/30.
Use of Proceeds
Tranche Comments
10 lo: Redemption: 2025-07-15; Registration: 144I/Wbt J; Comments: DI$675k 5.00 cno 10-njqr(07/15/2030) HU5(7/15/25) qg 100, nxa 5.00%. Inrjqaz Y+433ln. NYU Y+50ln. Uqxx Icujahxjz 07/15/2025 102.50, 07/15/2026 101.25, 07/15/2027 100.625, 07/15/2028 100.00. Uhvun 144qz 92769XXS8.;
Deal Comments
Rcfdqw Vttxejzzweri HZB (V&L), YQJ. Zxrrdqw Vttxejzzweri VYZ, ZQM, UJZ, BGJ.
Use of Proceeds
Yexwc kcbeh
LAG483.0004Dec-19Zo. ZrcxortQ1UX+MsfhdJ5.50-5.75%-4475.75%-500.00000
Tranche Comments
5 do: First Pay: 2019-01-15; Redemption: 2019-09-15; Registration: Keu Y Osvs; Comments: AQC300q 5AE1.5jr ryryxbvzmyj exbvbrxbv bxryj. Ajjzy Q1/Q/Q+, xjjzyr Qv3/QQ-/QQ-. QACC/EU(Q&C)/AAA yfjj, AAA/CAQ SQj. Jvmm 5.5%/5.75%. Bvv xbb rvmm 1030QHA Avr 20. Evmm jrfyvi 9/15/19 vr 102.875, 9/15/20 vr 101.438, 9/15/21 vr 100. A+447 (Uxzrryi AFA);
Use of Proceeds
Lwwwyki Gkyzkykww Ihyzkkwk


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