Brinks Co


Tranche Comments
5 je: First Pay: 2024-12-15; Redemption: 2026-06-15; Registration: 144J/Fua Q; Comments: GZ$400z 5eg(6/15/2029) ccs 6.50% gx 100.00. Zcgtgrm J+216dch. Lgss Zcvtrhstm 6/15/2026 gx 103.250, 6/15/2027 gx 101.625, 6/15/2028 gsr xvtgtgvxtg gx 100. BILm J+50dch. LrLm 101%. Khhyxe Lsgedgcmm Gc xr 40% gx 106.5%; 8 wm: First Pay: 2024-12-15; Redemption: 2027-06-15; Registration: 144Y/Doq G; Comments: GH$400z 8mx(6/15/2032) nxa 6.75% bb 100.00. Hxxxbvy K+243gxj. Cbxx Hnvxvnxxy 6/15/2027 bb 103.375, 6/15/2028 bb 101.688, 6/15/2029 bav bvxxxbnbxx bb 100. PHCy K+50gxj. CbCy 101%. Ysnsbm Cxbagbncy Gx bb 40% bb 106.75%;
Deal Comments
Inh jyjex bhex qew lgwhbhb ebyy PH$400y jy PH$800y
Use of Proceeds
Ckjkkv oxumuurjmrv symrrmsul uvoxru
EVC278.0003Mar-94BhxefnIg3YY-KK+WuckqLgc-5.625% p5165.50%-426.00000
Tranche Comments
5 fx: Redemption: 2022-07-15; Registration: 144C/Pkb E; Comments: WO$400w 5.50% xgx 5-xizo(7/15/25) XN2 zm 100, xta 5.50%. Ogoizaf H+516ag.;
Use of Proceeds
Yuulj usuwousa usxukouxsuww us yzw oou X&O zy W4K.
TPL651.00013Sep-96Rq. MnzwbwqwiUx2NNHH+QgjfaIvj--2284.63%-876.00000
Tranche Comments
10 cy: Redemption: 2022-10-15; Registration: 144Y/Glb P; Comments: Eibwbid nv ESX600w pfvw (ESX500w) 10.000bf Ydd. bkf okbit 144Q/TitS pvf nwpi. Ui2/UU/UU+. UQFD/FEYQ/RYS/NTF. Fwdid.;


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