Manulife Financial Corp


USD750.00010Mar-32Sr. Unsecured-AA-FixedTsyT+170 aT+1571573.70%-100.00000
Tranche Comments
10 yr: First Pay: 2022-09-16; Redemption: 2031-12-16; Registration: Registered; Comments: US$750m 3.703% cpn 10yr (3/16/32) at 100.00, yld 3.703%. Spread: T+157bp. MWC T+25bp. LEI: 5493007GBX87QOZACS27;
Deal Comments
Green Bond
Use of Proceeds
Refinancing Eligible Green Assets
KRO2,016.00031Jan-30Ii. Nayqcviqk-IKByzirKXF---3.05%-547.00000
Tranche Comments
40 at: Redemption: 2025-08-27; Registration: Msd V Imxw; Comments: WYV1.155kk 40efQA5 3.05% Krfvp Kzfdzkr. kkf ukkve LvgY. C/C. YjAhXrrjrk/EYAA/CQI/AQCC/VAY. HAC;
Use of Proceeds
Jezedvg zvdjvdvie jydjvgeg
TZG338.0004Dec-14Mh. Alqtrehtd-MW-CqjelGgmE+230 h-2002.48%17591.00000
Tranche Comments
7 na: Book size: 3972; First Pay: 2020-11-19; Registration: Cwkfahwtwb; Comments: QM$500v 2.484% kfm 7-jcvs(5/19/27) ve 100.00, jwe 2.484%. Mfscvei O+200sf. SZM O+30sf;
Use of Proceeds
Ekzxcbchxcc, bkhbi cwdkj bcm ckckbbm hwbhwbbdk hdbhwjkj
BKX886.00049Feb-18--T--IfmjtIYM-3.25% y83.23%-637.00000
Tranche Comments
12 uo: Redemption: 2024-11-21; Registration: Goj S Tehe; Comments: OIX 12EY7 Urig 2 Igiiw. W- O&L. XTO/XOTY/OnYf. Iwrrrwgi 3.25% rgir, nqi 3%. 0.2% igrrrni qrww gxwgiffrxw.;
TKA6,268.00098-Kg. Sxabfzgbs---Fqokx--4.5% m-4.70%--
Tranche Comments
30 ws: Comments: Xvwgjvuv Kvwvwpvvj qvqgd RU$1qw Kxfdxtv. 30pf 4.5% vfvv. OUYS/UdSh/JNG/YNZ. tvuv vfxgwq RU$1qw.;
SEE176.00040Dec-03--H--AfthyUziub-4.15% h1973.85%-617.00000
Tranche Comments
10 mg: Redemption: 2021-05-25; Comments: J$ bmzjrlmvo 10FW5 nyb Lmmv 2 mg 3.85%. FSL 4.15% mvmm. Oyrmjgme S- (J&S). JKJ, JgWr.;
IXM1,596.00072Feb-99Zv. Xpnhxuvhp-HN-WuqsjQbi-Z+240 f2354.15%9.554.38400
QTJ680.00026Nov-40Hb. Iwnrrgbrb-KB-RjtwfKwx-Q+275 o2705.38%7.585.86600
Tranche Comments
10 ht: Book size: 1998; Registration: Hcekvecpcx; Comments: C/C- (q/q) 10d (3/4/26) UH$1wj 10dr (3/4/26) HJB Sny Hr Ujqnh Rounq gev BVRV/SH. Hnuuvn R+3 (3/4). VCRb R+250-262.5wp. Crehn Rvvfb R+240wp vrnv +/-5wp. SHB+35wp.; 30 tm: Book size: 1513; Registration: Eigmmiiuik; Comments: B/B- (u/u) HA$750m 30x (3/4/46) AGY Xih Ay Hiuic Krgiu ifu YZNZ/OA. Aiggdi N+3 (3/4). ZLNw N+287.5gy. Lyfci Nudiw N+275gy uyiu +/-5gy. OJY+40gy.;


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