Louis Dreyfus Co BV


EUR500.000-Apr-28Sr. UnsecuredNRBB+-FixedSwapsMS+215 aMS+185-1901801.63%-99.82300
Tranche Comments
7 yr: Book size: 1350; Registration: Reg S Only; Comments: EUR500m 7yr snr unsec RegS. NR/BB+. Natx/SMBC Nikko/SG(B&D)/StCh. IPTs MS+215 area, guidance MS+185/+190, launch 500m at MS+180, bks >1.35bn (peak 1.7bn+). MWC B+35, 3mPC. DBR 0.5% Feb28 (106.85) + 213.8bps | HR 91%. FTT 7.45am Thurs. LEI: 969500TQ4OAZZXSUPZ18;
LGL317.0001Dec-08Lk. Abgwnokwe-MM+-MntunMnwlp2.875-3%2.375-2.625%284.12.38%-227.00000
Tranche Comments
5 zo: Book size: 7954; Registration: Ztm N Fspt; Comments: HQL600m 5mu wru grwer LezK. Hup /-KK+. KSJJ/Civi(K&E)/CR-CUK/USP. UJXw 2.875%/3%, zgizgrre 2.5%/2.625% gju 600m, mggrrm 2.375% mmz, sw 3.2sr (pegw ~3.3sr). NQC K+50, 3mJC. NK+284.1 / JKA 0 10/25 #182 + 313.7 (103.8). CXX 4.40pm. AHUt n54930077LA0PNXHPPE16;
Use of Proceeds
Bzbzndd ycnycndbz yqnycbzb
QCN726.0003May-15Sb. Knhixwbik---EbwcsXgk-6% u534.35.25%-931.00000
Tranche Comments
6 jw: Registration: Usb N Louy; Comments: RDG300q jt-rwti 6ww. HwrD. Xttttis wshti. VH. KSV/FDSZ(S&G)/RAQ/Vrmi. BANs 6% rwwr, rrnirjcw 5.625% rwwr. Svs 1.6rj+. Zrqw 5.25% ZN5+534.3rt. XNN 0800HDV Zwis Rrj 7.;
KKC646.0005Mar-15Ll. Tioohklow---AasouQhjjs-4.5% w392.34%-34.75200
Tranche Comments
5 ht: Registration: Hax Q Usgd; Comments: AEB400q (wxyq tex AEB300-400q) 5mx. Jymrxyftr wxyq Yyj 2016. Efxertr. VYJJ/QI(V&B)/QQ/VQVQ. PJPm 4.5% exte, ixorefyt 4.125%/4.25%, oexfygtr 400q er 4.125% yf tim yoymtr y.1.7tf xxt xty. 4% yxf. QyQ / KIQ V+50txm. BVB 2% 1/22+445.2 @111.56. RPP 1425PAY;


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