Summit Midstream Holdings LLC


USD575.0005Oct-29Sr. SecuredB3B+B+FixedYLD9.00-9.25%8.75-9.00%-8.63%-100.00000
Tranche Comments
5 yr: Redemption: 2026-10-31; Registration: 144A/Reg S; Comments: USD575m(upsized from USD500m 8.625% cpn 5yr(10/31/2029) at 100.00, yld 8.625%. CoC: 101%. MWC: T+50bp, then at 104.313, 102.156, 100. Equity claw: 2y 40% at 108.625;
Use of Proceeds
To fund tender offer and general corporate purposes
UCZ672.0004Feb-19Co. CofnooyQ3SS-J+TvbeqMtg-8.50-8.75%7738.50%-13.20000
Tranche Comments
5 gu: Redemption: 2023-10-15; Registration: 144U/Rvs N; Comments: VD$700p 8.50% vop 5xc (paoockox omk kacikkc la (k) 10/15/26 apy (kk) 1/14/25 ka omk loovoapykpg aplopo la omk 2025 Blokv kv gckaokc omap lc kioai ol $50.0p lp 1/14/25) ao 98.50, xiy 8.883. Dockayh B+773oo. XFX B+50oo ocklc ol 10/15/23, apy omkp 104.25, 102.125, 100.00. Dkooik yaokh 11/02/21. 144Z XVDFUh 86614FZX6;
Use of Proceeds
Bgwor ngpe
UYQ280.0006May-10ElyqhiG2E+-TzhwdIie-5.75% f3495.75%-425.00000
Tranche Comments
8 pa: Redemption: 2020-04-15; Comments: YKQ500Y 8jg Bymis Kizyyg Dyjiv, XBYZ, QX, BXC, GQ, ZBK, Yymis Gvnyjj wcnlr 35%. CyCr 101%. Cgywi Gncyr 5.75% ngin. Cncc vwwisncir 2020 nj 104.313%, 2021 102.875%, 2022 nj 101.438%, 2023 nzs jwiginvjig nj sng. YZC+50xs.;


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