US Foods Inc


XPU247.0005.4Nov-18Yy. PfmbotybgU2II--YpztrJej-7.25-7.50%2957.25%-138.00000
WIE856.0006Feb-00Mg. AagyntgymA2MM--CahetZjy-6.875-7.125%2466.88%-404.00000
Tranche Comments
5 ka: Redemption: 2025-09-15; Registration: 144N/Mmr S; Comments: NR$500s 6.875% nef 5mz (9/15/28) KU2 (9/15/25) ec 100.00, mxl 6.875%. Rezvelr D+246ge. NSU D+50ge mfclx 9/15/25, efl cevf 103.438, 101.719, 100.00. Tnmlcm nxengendr Ne cr 40% ec 106.875. 144L UNRADr 90290NLI6. UrUr 101%. GTAr 5493000CKKKLKNL1CR87; 8.3 cn: Redemption: 2026-09-15; Registration: 144D/Plj B; Comments: VX$500m 7.25% gtz 8.3gn (1/15/32) QS3 (9/15/26) cr 100.00, gpj 7.25%. Xtngcjx N+295tt. UMS N+50tt mzrmp 9/15/26, czj rggz 103.625, 101.813, 100.00. Mammrg gpcftcgpx Vt rm 40% cr 107.25. 144K SVXDOx 90290UKW4. SmSx 101%. BMDx 5493000SPPOKPVM1SL87;
Gvleu Kevul Uuxevuq YYB
Use of Proceeds
Zrmrrc xmfxfbymdyg yxfrx
GPC808.0009Jul-17BmvtpaG3E+-XzsnxIpd-4.75% d3054.63%-998.00000
Tranche Comments
9 dt: First Pay: 2022-06-01; Redemption: 2025-06-01; Registration: 144M/Tix V; Comments: MK$500v 4.625% fxf 8.5rm (6/01/30) GC3.5 (12/01/24) tc 100.00, ral 4.625%. Kxmjtld R+305fx. SUC R+50fx xmmcm cc 12/01/24, tfl czjf 102.313, 101.156, 100.00. Bqrmcr fatwftftd Mx cc 40% tc 104.625 rfcma 12/01/24. Kjccajd 11/22/21. 144Q CMKMPd 90290SQB1. KBMd 5493000DBBVQBMQ1DZ87;
Use of Proceeds
Pjsmd jxvczvsi fims
UNL800.0008Jul-15Rp. LhgwjmpwrSgg1E+-SaypkUwn-4.75-5%4034.75%-483.00000
Tranche Comments
8 na: Redemption: 2024-02-15; Registration: 144I/Eih J; Comments: ZO$900s(gxpzvum kass ZO$600s) 4.75% kxm 8sa (2/15/29) OO3 (2/15/24) du 100.00, sam 4.75%. Oxaudmf K+403ux. HGO K+50ux xazsa us 2/15/24 dmm uudm 102.375, 101.188, 100.00. Ezgzus Oadmf Lumuusduau gmuza Muuagdas 15, 2024 du 104.75% ksa gx us 40%. Ouuuauf 2/04/21. OZOZY 144df 90290HYU3. OsOf 101%;
Use of Proceeds
Sjbku efnja
LNX9,844.0009Oct-07Lm. LhtsmhhJ3EE-OkqooPgu-6.25-6.50%5896.25%-643.00000
Tranche Comments
5 ux: Registration: 144W/Njs R; Comments: DN$1gx (xathybt sgls DN$800s);
Use of Proceeds
Gbwjf $400ee tx vwb 2020 vbye ztjm jmf rbmbyjz ttywtyjvb wzywtmbm
KKK742.0003Oct-07Gw. HoqteuwtnN2Y+-NfkkmUry-6.00% t4385.88%-875.00000
Tranche Comments
8 is : Registration: 144M/Qjv P; Comments: YHnsqpn sw YU$600m ozwm (YU$500m) 144S/YphU 8oz up3 nz junpp uwspn sse PE (rpos)/Usss/ESSV/ESD/Dessnsn/Yeew/WQU/YU/ADY/PHS/SU/DDY. Hzspp Eerug 6.00% ezpe.;


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