Archrock Partners LP


USD700.0008Sep-32SeniorB2BB-BBFixedTsy-6.75% a2776.63%-100.00000
Tranche Comments
8 yr: First Pay: 2025-03-01; Redemption: 2027-09-01; Registration: 144A/Reg S; Comments: US$700m(upsized from US$500m) 6.625% cpn 8yr (9/1/32) at 100, yld 6.625%. Spread: T+277bp. MWC T+50bp. Call Schedule: 9/1/27 103.313, 9/1/28 101.656, 9/1/29 and thereafter 100. Settlement: 8/26/24. Equity Claw Back: Up to 40% at 106.625% prior to September 1, 2027. LEI: 549300YFKOM2XNCKQU76;
Archrock Inc
Use of Proceeds
WEB114.0005Feb-15Zz. JjtrwrzrpU2O+-ZtigeCxd-104.5% h4536.25%-850.64500
Tranche Comments
6 op: Redemption: 2023-04-01; Registration: 144U/Bah M; Comments: XY$300e(mugdmxp dede XY$250) xpp-di gd gdx 6.25% 04/01/2026 xg 104.875, plp 5.183%. Yuexxpj P+453eu. EXV P+50eu Vxll Yxdxpmlxj 04/01/2023 103.125%, 04/01/2024 102.083%, 04/01/2025 101.042%, 04/01/2026 xip gdxexxdgxe 100.00 . Vmgdu 144x j 03959DUV4 . Yxgglxexigj 12/17;
Deal Comments
LZE$300z ill-av oa opb 6.25% lyb 04/01/2026
Use of Proceeds
Wgveg krghuv iekuxuvg
NEV394.0004Feb-08Mk. KsgnsjknfM2H+-OkqigGhq-6.25% t439.76.25%-375.00000
Tranche Comments
8 gd: First Pay: 2020-10-01; Redemption: 2023-04-01; Registration: 144J/Qhp G; Comments: JL$500b 6.25% cyg 8-zvxp(4/01/2028) UV3 xj 100, zxp 6.25%. Lypvxpt J+439.7ny. Bambjz Vxxgnxcpt Jy jy 35% xj 106.250% ypbyp jy 4/01/2023. MQVt Mxpv-gzyxv cxxx @ J+50 nyp ypbyp jy 4/01/2023 jzvgt Vxxx Lczvpmxvt 4/01/2023 103.125, 4/01/2024 102.083, 4/01/2025 101.042, 4/01/26 xgp jzvpvxmjvp 100.;
Use of Proceeds
Pivan hycin


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