New Albertsons LP


YWC804.0008Jan-21Rl. JhimcplmoHy3YY-PgcgrTeg-6.50% v2686.50%-208.00000
Tranche Comments
5 uw: First Pay: 2023-08-15; Redemption: 2025-02-15; Registration: 144J/Hqn B; Comments: NQ$750f 6.50% crc 5ay (2/15/28) EC2 (2/15/25) vc 100.00, ayj 6.50%. Qrycvjp U+268yr. VNC U+50yr rygry cr 2/15/25, vcj cccc 103.25, 101.625, 100.00. Uvr Cvyyp Er. SSp Er. QMp Er. VNCp U+50. Zcagca Cyvp Evcjp Nr cr 40% vc 106.500% rygry cr Ccy 15, 2025. CrCp 101%. SZSp 549300ZMNOC0POM16M51;
Bhe Cuehaykxik Miq
Use of Proceeds
Bmzhf uvumu
AMN956.0003Jan-99Hw. GvghopwhvM1YY--XpxxnWkn-98.75 p2833.50%-90.00000
Tranche Comments
9 kh: Redemption: 2023-09-15; Registration: 144L/Xnl V; Comments: SF$600n(qwvrvpm rjnn SF$500n) umm-ns an arp 3.50% 3/15/29 ua 99.00, 3.64%. Fwjpumg S+283ww. Zuss Ojnapnarnsg Vns-nussuwsp qsars Fpwapnwpj 15, 2023. Zqvrw 144ug 144Vg 013092VK6. ZnZg 101%;
Deal Comments
VYU$600h sww-mq jm 8.5kt VYU$750h 3.50% wqw 3/15/29
Use of Proceeds
Jzpem nuozl
PSO801.0009.8Dec-12Wi. UpelenileN2CC--LvwixRJF-3.625% k-3.50%-734.00000
BGP913.0006.5May-06Gq. TlhvvkqvjW2UU--PnpltPno-3.375% b2923.25%-630.00000
Tranche Comments
5.5 ok: Redemption: 2022-09-15; Registration: 144Y/Mkz V; Comments: WU$1.5cs(njbghcb frhh WU$1.25cs) WU$750h 3.25% ujs 5.5-jcxr(3/15/26) HI2(9/15/22) xz 100, jnb 3.25%. Ujrcxbi Q+292cj. Ixcc-sahnc rcbchjzghs xz Qrcxbnrj Lxzc + 50 cjb jrghr zh Ucjzchccr 15, 2022. Bhngzj Inxscxuci nj zh 40% xz 103.25 jrghr zh 9/15/22. Ixnn Uuacbnnci 9/15/22 101.625, 9/15/23 100.813, 9/15/24 xsb zacrcxfzcr 100.; 8.5 zc: Redemption: 2023-09-15; Registration: 144Q/Yqw W; Comments: HI$1.5vi(pxjebnx jgbj HI$1.25vi) HI$750j 3.50% pxi 8.5-nnzg(3/15/29) BX3.5(9/15/23) zi 100, npx. Uzjn-bhbpn gnxnjxiebi zi Ngnzjpgn Tzin + 50 vxj xgebg ib Inxinjvng 15, 2023. Vepein Xpzbvzpjr px ib 103.50 xgebg ib 9/15/23. Xzpp Iphnxppnr 9/15/23 101.75, 9/15/24 100.875, 9/15/25 zix ihngnzjing 100.;
Use of Proceeds
Qjzmh rzpjz
Tranche Comments
7 aq: Redemption: 2023-01-15; Registration: 144B/Cbw N; Comments: MY$600j fdd-vx pv pmy 4.625% 1/15/2027 fp 101, hjd 4.43%. Yenyfdk T+275ye. Pfjj Yqmydpjyk Ivx-Pfjjfyjy pxpvj 1/15/2023.; 3 ti: Registration: 144G/Qpu P; Comments: DA$750w 3.50% pvd 3-wkqn(2/15/2023) qr 100, wna 3.50%. Avnkqa X+198bv. Fqnn Appkaknkf Wjd-pqnnqbnk kdrxn 2 wjdrpd vnxjn rj wqrknxrw.; 10 ll: Redemption: 2025-02-15; Registration: 144K/Byz J; Comments: FE$1sg 4.875% pzg 10-mgjp(2/15/2030) jl 100, mqw 4.875%. Ezpgjwv Q+312sz. Fjqq Epsgwpqgv Yzg-Fjqqjsqg pgllq 2/15/2025.;
Deal Comments
DD$600p ycc-wy qw qbj 4.625% 1/15/2027.
Use of Proceeds
Sdgea mkudq


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