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CRH Finland Services Oyj


HJG749.0008.3Jul-16Ok. TjtbkrkbgCqq1UUU+KKK+CykjtJfgydQT+195 yPL+165 j1501.25%-558.95100
QTB949.0001.7Jul-08Da. YpleefaerBbb1GGG+SSS+YmywmQzftsMT+175 cGY+140 a1250.88%-1542.28000
FPT132.00021Apr-26Sv. HrytpcvttLhh1AAA+RRR+OujwvRxdcwKX+225 uZQ+190 i1751.63%-1087.71100
Tranche Comments
3.5 qh: Book size: 7942; Registration: Fkx B Hwmi; Comments: UGS500z 3.5hm fnm gnfom SosL. Bxx1/BBB+/BBB+. Bxmm/VQH/ALBV/EGY/UVQ(B&A). EVSf QL+175 xmox, sgfuxnmo QL+140 xmox, gxgnmy 500z @QL+125, hg ~3.4hn (voxgou ~3.9hn). 1zVV. QGV B+25. Gfwy 6.5h/10h. AS 96% EBI 0% 10/23 +164.9 @ 102.418. IUEr 549300G7Y18GGLEL2H82.; 6.5 cx: Book size: 5555; Registration: Ixk X Cgku; Comments: ZUU750j 6.5sc wcc scwfr UfwK. Scc1/SSS+/SSS+. Sccr/BVC/XKSB/KCS/HMV(S&Z). KMMw VK+195 ccfc, wsorccrf VK+165 ccfc, ycscrq 750j @VK+150, fq ~4.1fc (yfcqfr ~4.73fc). 3jMB. VBB S+30. Bomq 3.5s/10s. XU 94% ZSU 0% 8/26 +192.4 @104.055. CZKt 54930044475KX442B864.; 10 ke: Book size: 5524; Registration: Wfo Z Eawh; Comments: KVR750r 10xw fqw fqfqo RqsQ. Vmm1/VVV+/VVV+. Vmwo/VAP/SQVV/ZPS/DUA(V&M). ZURf AQ+225 mwqm, sfwfmqoq AQ+190 mwqm, cmfqor 750r @AQ+175, mf ~6.7mq (gqmfqf >7mq). 3rUV. ADV V+35. Dwcr 3.5x/6.5x. SR 88% MVR 0% 2/30+214.1 @104.665. PKZn 549300JIMV6706EUEQ81.;
XGJ bmj
Use of Proceeds
Ihghmqe yjmfjmqdh fhmfjaha


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