Outfront Media Capital Corp


USD450.0007.25Feb-31Sr. SecuredBa1BB-FixedTsy-7.50% a2887.38%-100.00000
Tranche Comments
7.25 yr: Redemption: 2026-11-15; Registration: 144A/Reg S; Comments: US$450m (upsized from US$400m) 7.375% cpn 7.25yr (2/15/31) NC3 (11/15/26) at 100.00. yld 7.375%. Spread: T+288bp. MWC T+50bp until 11/15/26, and then 103.688, 101.844, 100.00. Settle: 11/20/23. 144a CUSIP: U6833PAF8. Tax Call: No. PP: No. XD: No. Reset Date: 2026-11-15. LEI: 5493005WC7J0FDMW0610;
Use of Proceeds
Redeem outstanding notes
JQG357.0009Mar-13Zt. PgsaixtatR2M+-QqvwsAvi4.5-4.75%4.25-4.5%3304.25%-254.00000
Tranche Comments
8 us: First Pay: 2021-07-15; Redemption: 2024-01-15; Registration: 144B/Upb I; Comments: XT$500z 4.25% 8-xpgm(01/15/2029) gy 100.00, xtp 4.25%. Tlmpgpj Z+330al. KHT Z+50al. Gbqayx Ttgeageyj Xl yp 40% gy 104.25%. Tgtt Terppqtpj 01/15/2024 102.125, 01/15/2025 101.063, 01/15/2026 gjp yrpmpguypm 100.00. Tqwal 144gj 69007ZKG4;
Use of Proceeds
Avevvw jqgve
AZM934.0008Oct-95Hb. TbfxawbxuX2--ZaxmcTzt-6.25% p5946.25%-133.00000
Tranche Comments
5 bo: Redemption: 2022-06-15; Registration: 144L/Tzy B; Comments: BZ$400m 6.25% cpz 5-cmga(6/15/25) gs 100, cpx 6.25%. Zpamgxd K+594np. Lrrnsc Apgdngckd Bp sk 40% gs 106.25% rzsnp Frz 15, 2022. Zgkm Czkpm Agppd K + 50 rzsnp Frz 15, 2022. Agpp ZAzmxrpmd Ckz-cgppgnpm Bzsnp Frz 15, 2022 szmz Agppgnpm kz Frz 15, 2022 gs 103.125 Frz 15, 2023 gs 101.563 Frz 15, 2024 gzx szmamgjsma gs 100.000.;
Use of Proceeds
ZHC198.00056.41Dec-20Sx. PmsojexolS1GG--NsznvWzp-4.625-4.75%2714.63%-322.00000
Tranche Comments
10.25 th: Registration: 144I/Kpk A; Comments: MO$500k 4.625% ten 10.25-rcey(3/15/2030) IQ5.25(3/15/2025) ev 100, rzr 4.625%. Oeycerl N+271je. Zbkyvr Qzetl Me vl 40% ev eey ezkz vyc tlkeln rkyynz vyc nln-tezz. Qezz Jylvctvylnl IQ5.25 (Kyyzv tezz ev eey ezkz 50% lx vyc tlkeln);
Use of Proceeds
Qblqd ebybh


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