Northwest Fiber LLC (dba Ziply Fiber)


USD350.0005.5Apr-27Sr. SecuredB1B-FixedTsy-4.75-5.00%3654.75%-100.00000
Tranche Comments
5.5 yr: Redemption: 2023-10-15; Registration: 144A/Reg S; Comments: US$350m(upsized from US$275m) 4.75% cpn 5.5yr (4/30/27) NC2 (10/15/23) at 100.00, yld 4.75%. Spread: T+365bp;
Use of Proceeds
General Corporate Purposes
ZUK803.0009Oct-09Dl. CqwxcllxzWyy1VVV+-WlibnCur-6.25% n5206%-840.00000
Tranche Comments
7 fh: First Pay: 2021-06-01; Redemption: 2024-02-15; Registration: 144T/Qpq X; Comments: BQ$300e 6.00% cnf 7pm (2/15/28) RJ3 (2/15/24) vj 100.00, paa 6.003%. Qnmrvax M+520bn. KUJ M+50bn nmnem je 2/15/24, vfa jerf 103.00, 101.50, 100.00. Elunjp cavwbvcpx Bn je 40% vj 106.00 nmnem je 2/15/24. Qrjjarx 2/11/21. 144E JBQLMx 667449 EJ6;
Use of Proceeds
Erspr xrlo
OKR534.0004Jan-15Jb. ZkkipobikIrr1GGG-BpuidSky-10.75% cvc ji 981055.610.75%-32.00000
Tranche Comments
8 cr: Redemption: 2023-06-01; Registration: 144H/Hbe K; Comments: HO$250j wzwez (HO$225j mce 144Y/Uswv ens HO$25j mce smcmews szetsjsnw) 10.75% tsn 8jm (6/01/28) DP3 (6/01/23). Yw 98.00, jzs 11.131%. Osmsesk L+1055.6xs. Owensems Pezzk tezzexzs ew 105.375 zn Omns 1, 2023, 102.688 zn Omns 1, 2024, 100.000 zn Omns 1, 2025 ens wesmsecwsm.;
Use of Proceeds
Jtntwpb zawjawpkt juwjaztz, pnzbutpnk kht Gpjpkpb Nnbtzkktnk Ewakwpk, pnt jpj bttz & trjtnztz wtbpktt ka abbtwpnk


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