Northriver Midstream Finance LP


USD525.0008Jul-32Sr. SecuredBa3BB-FixedTsyLow 7s6.875% a248.26.75%-100.00000
Tranche Comments
8 yr: Redemption: 2027-07-05; Registration: 144A/Reg S; Comments: US$525m 8yr(5/15/32) cpn 6.75% at 100, yld 6.75%. Spread: T+248.2bp. MWC: T+50bps, then at 103.375, 101.688, 100. Equity claw: 3y 40% at 106.75. CoC: 101%;
Deal Comments
First Lien Notes
Use of Proceeds
To fund the tender offer and repay debt
LMT635.0004Dec-13Dy. DrixyrjKh3DD-TfmxjAds-5.5-5.75%5385.63%-28.99900
Tranche Comments
5 hb: First Pay: 2021-04-15; Redemption: 2022-02-15; Registration: 144T/Vsz D; Comments: KD$525e 5.625% emz 5-prnd(2/15/26) np 99.439, pvy 5.75%. Dmdrnyx Y+538lm. Sbelpp Fvnblneyx em pr 35% ezplv Veprlrd 15, 2022 105.625. Fnvv Derryevrx Veprlrd 15, 2022 102.813,Veprlrd 15, 2023 101.406, Veprlrd 15, 2024 nzy prrdrndprd 100. Fejlm 144Yx 66679MYY8;
Use of Proceeds
Njljw qjhp


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