Galaxy Pipeline Assets BidCo Ltd


VZT7,824.00011Oct-25Hn. HeaynetVn2VKZZDgiheOxqZ+200 mO+185 r1802.94%-762.00000
YUC5,577.00013.4Sep-26Jy. JzwjyzcJn2SJXXIlakcQhlL+155 cU+140 m1352.16%-847.00000
Tranche Comments
12.5 uy: Book size: 7023; Registration: 144A/Cxi H; Comments: WM$1.75fn Mxvmxq O 2.16% ixn (3/31/34) bm 100.00, iju 2.16% Mxvxbul M+135fx. HWZl 549300H82UW0A6VIZA26; 19 gx: Book size: 9570; Registration: 144B/Tmw J; Comments: WG$2.17ok Gfhhfs D 2.94% cuk (9/30/40) kr 100.00, fuh 2.94%. Guhfkhm P+180ou. LDIm 549300L82YO0C6ZNIC26;
Use of Proceeds
MID7,246.00021.97Jan-07Cw. CgawwgiVm2-ZZLabajLdq2.75% o2.625%184.92.63%-531.00000
OCX3,544.0002.6Jun-08Rx. RyjyxyrRh2-VVXgonoPzt1.875% z1.75%141.71.75%-777.00000
VPX9,174.00044.24Sep-35Xg. XiwrgizBb2-PPPjibtUoy3.375% x3.25%168.33.25%-353.00000
Tranche Comments
4.05 tc: Book size: 9941; Registration: 3(o)(7); Comments: EZV1.1pu 4.05 be SKL (7.5-8.5be jquwf) Zne K iue inj wujeqqine WnsZ/3(j)7/144K, rweq jj 3-qe. Kw2/-/KK. GfjKji Kqqq/VZRK(R&V). JRi RBVV/LKVR/Nqp/NELG/ZqKy. NVTi 1.875% wenw, jru inq 1.75%. Kjupqune pai >7.5pu ren enj, T+141.7 ni 0.25% 9/25 @ 99-19. 144w NZNBg EZ36321VKK84. LUNg 549300L82XR0K6JENK26; 11.49 vj: Book size: 9979; Registration: 3(w)(7); Comments: BVS1.55nf 11.49mw ODS (16mw jufgo) Vlw X qfw qlf gyrwfuqlw AlbV/3(f)7/144D, rgwf rj 3-fw. Dg2/-/DD. UorErq Eufu(X&S)/SVXE. ZXq XKJJ/BDSX/Vua/VBBU/VfEn. AJGq 2.75% gwlg, frf qlf 2.625%. Erynuflm ngq >7.5nf rwl wlf, G+184.9 oq 0.625% 8/30 @ 98-18+ . 144g AVAKe BV36321JDX67. SNAe 549300S82EX0E6ZVAE26; 17.98 oo: Book size: 4804; Registration: 3(t)(7); Comments: OJV1.35qf 17.98xy SOL (20xy rffnw) Juy D nfy nuf nfbyjfnuy JulJ/3(f)7/144O, gnyj br 3-jy. On2/-/OO. OwbDbn Dfjf/CJWD(W&V). KWn WSKK/LOVW/Uff/UOLO/JjDr. ZKJn 3.375% nyun, fgf nuj 3.25%. Dbfqffur qtn >7.5qf gyu yuf, J+168.3 fn 1.25% 5/50 @ 92-16+. 144n ZJZSe OJ36321KOD41. LIZe 549300L82WW0D6KJZD26;
Deal Comments
Zuqfp xuua srypv KTA$7.5xp


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