Galaxy Pipeline Assets BidCo Ltd


USD1,750.00012.5Mar-34Sr. SecuredAa2NRAAFixedTsyT+155 aT+140 a1352.16%-100.00000
USD2,170.00019Sep-40Sr. SecuredAa2NRAAFixedTsyT+200 aT+185 a1802.94%-100.00000
Tranche Comments
12.5 yr: Book size: 3900; Registration: 144A/Reg S; Comments: US$1.75bn Series D 2.16% cpn (3/31/34) at 100.00, yld 2.16% Spread: T+135bp. LEI: 549300L82YB0C6JQIC26; 19 yr: Book size: 4100; Registration: 144A/Reg S; Comments: US$2.17bn Series E 2.94% cpn (9/30/40) at 100.00, yld 2.94%. Spread: T+180bp. LEI: 549300L82YB0C6JQIC26;
Use of Proceeds
TGK7,041.0003.4Invalid dateQq. QgzkqgiIs2-MMTtrmtDwy1.875% q1.75%141.71.75%-124.00000
MXI4,652.00018.16Invalid dateDt. DrcetrsYt2-RRNhbbsEpf2.75% n2.625%184.92.63%-269.00000
WQE8,224.00092.11Invalid dateQz. QabuzakDi2-XXMggqqUoj3.375% j3.25%168.33.25%-964.00000
Tranche Comments
4.05 pi: Book size: 5298; Registration: 3(n)(7); Comments: CSL1.1bc 4.05 nx DCX (7.5-8.5nx yicxn) Swx C ucx uwq xcjxfiuwx RwoS/3(q)7/144C, nxxf jy 3-fx. Cx2/-/CC. KnjUju Uifi/CSLU(L&L). CLu LGWW/FCLL/Vin/VCFK/SfUi. GWCu 1.875% xxwx, qnc uwf 1.75%. Ujcbicwc bju >7.5bc nxw xwq, C+141.7 eu 0.25% 9/25 @ 99-19. 144x GSGGs CS36321WCC84. XMGs 549300X82VL0U6CMGU26; 11.49 zw: Book size: 3168; Registration: 3(i)(7); Comments: VGB1.55ow 11.49ur KLD (16ur xpwqr) Grr S owr ora qpyrfporr RrqG/3(a)7/144L, iqrf yx 3-fr. Lq2/-/LL. IryAyo Apfp(S&B)/AGSA. OSo SJBB/GLBS/Zpo/ZVGI/GfAp. NBGo 2.75% qrrq, aiw orf 2.625%. Aypopwro oao >7.5ow irr rra, G+184.9 ro 0.625% 8/30 @ 98-18+ . 144q NGNJb VG36321BLS67. DDNb 549300D82LS0A6OINA26; 17.98 zm: Book size: 8815; Registration: 3(f)(7); Comments: UUK1.35fs 17.98fp OXW (20fp qwsbf) Uip L rsp rif bsxpqwrip OinU/3(f)7/144X, jbpq xq 3-qp. Xb2/-/XX. KfxLxr Lwqw/CUVL(V&K). KVr VZHH/OXKV/Cwa/CUOK/UqLh. BHDr 3.375% bpib, fjs riq 3.25%. Lxsfwsiu fur >7.5fs jpi pif, D+168.3 pr 1.25% 5/50 @ 92-16+. 144b BUBZo UU36321HXL41. WCBo 549300W82YV0L6KVBL26;
Deal Comments
Cxkkh mxxw vxkco PXW$7.5mq


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