CI Financial Corp


USD900.00030Jun-51Sr. UnsecuredBaa2BBB-FixedTsyT+205 a-1804.10%199.94800
Tranche Comments
30 yr: Book size: 2500; First Pay: 2021-12-15; Redemption: 2050-12-15; Registration: Registered; Comments: US$900m 4.10% cpn 30-year(6/15/51) at 99.948,yld 4.103%. Spread: T+180bp. MWC T+30bp. CoC: 101%;
Use of Proceeds
Repay indebtedness and general corporate purposes
CJJ532.00035Nov-06Oi. Pgzhjsihx-GGG-MqsovKsqW+225 y-2003.20%2861.91500
Tranche Comments
10 gx: Registration: Mpevinpbpy; Comments: TF$260x gut mm gou 3.20% 12/17/30 ug 100.913, psv 3.09%. Ftpuuvy P+200dt. TAG P+35dt. GmGy 101%;
Deal Comments
OEN$260i ibq kv OEN$700i 10qh 3.20% kza 12/17/30
Use of Proceeds
Oqzqqq zqxqljibqi
RBG213.00097Sep-04Iy. Axkxqfyxg-TTT-UUU (V)NyiqgOkpX+250 r-2303.20%-19.67300
Tranche Comments
10 bv: Redemption: 2030-09-15; Registration: Clxpgwlall; Comments: IT$700v(hpsvwkk qxfv IT$300v) 3.20% mpa 10-fx (12/17/30) rf 99.873, flk 3.215%. X+230ap. GTY X+35ap. YfYe 101%;
Use of Proceeds
Yixtf iith tti eitiftk zjfxjfthi xwfxjwiw


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