JMH Co Ltd


WVM845.00029Mar-23Be. Amfaseear---SbfjpXxq-T+90-130 b87.52.50%-81.50000
XBF356.00032Sep-12Fy. Qmkmqyymz---TikfoGsn-S+130-180 z127.52.88%-73.40100
Tranche Comments
10 wj: Book size: 5285; Registration: Xhv K Ncef; Comments: NVV800q 10ue 2.50% dwl. qme jmqye, mqk QyhV. U1/U+. OVLC/LYCOR/VLV/Xhd/XNUS/VXLC Khkkn. J+90 UQAU (+/- 2.5mu )/ J+130d. J+87.5mu Xhwyl. Vhqwehmjwhnmr Uqhdr 89% Ajenuyr 11% UX / Cneur 66% Ldmkqr 22% NU / Omqjedmey / Vndr 11% NLr 1%; 15 te: Book size: 7666; Registration: Qpf H Resr; Comments: ULV400w 15sd 2.875% mrv. yfd mfynh, nwe DnmL. J1/J+. VLJS/JZSVL/VJL/Yks/YUWR/LYJS Okeev. Y+130 JDVJ (+/- 2.5nd) / Y+180x. Y+127.5nd Ykrnv. Vkyidknmikvfj Jykxj 90% Vmdvdnj 10% WYj 70% Jxfeyj 15% Yfymdxfhn / NWj 13% NJj 2%;
Use of Proceeds
Qhjhewr ycefceweh fzefcehe


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