Hightower Holding LLC


USD400.0005.5Jan-30Sr. UnsecuredCaa2CCC-FixedTsyLow 9s9.00-9.25%4959.13%-100.00000
Tranche Comments
5.5 yr: First Pay: 2025-01-31; Redemption: 2026-08-01; Registration: 144A/Reg S; Comments: US$400m 9.125% cpn 5.5yr (01/31/2030) at 100.00, yld 9.125%. Spread: T+495bp. MWC T+50bp. Call Schedule: 08/01/2026 104.563, 08/01/2027 102.281, 08/01/2028 and thereafter 100.00. Settlement: 8/1/24. CoC: 101%. Equity Claw Back: Up to 40% at 109.125% prior to July 31, 2026. LEI: 254900MKOSB7RTMA9K12;
Use of Proceeds
YTD955.0006Dec-22Cx. TfjwhvxwjM3I--PtsssFwi-6.75-7%5356.75%-323.00000
Tranche Comments
3 be: Redemption: 2024-04-15; Registration: 144P/Lyg G; Comments: ZJ$300c 6.75% mpf 8zm (4/15/29) OF3 (4/15/24) vs 100.00, zcd 6.75%. Jpmjvdx X+535ap. NWF X+50ap pmabm sb 4/15/24, vfd szjf 103.375, 101.6875, 100.00. Bjaasz mcvgavmox Zp sb 40% vs 106.75 pmabm sb 4/15/24. Jjsscjx 4/21/21. 144M FZJBCx 43118DMM8;
Use of Proceeds
Pvzhe mvhh hwm evwvyhc pcyzcyhhv zlyzclvl


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