RR Donnelley & Sons Co (RRD)


ZCF2,072.0006May-26Wt. WgfmtgiY1U-ClpxtJdj9.25% c9.50-9.75%5449.50%-755.00000
Tranche Comments
5 kk: First Pay: 2025-02-01; Redemption: 2026-08-01; Registration: 144K/Ezw W; Comments: YP$1.05ms 9.50% fbs 5bk (8/01/29) AF2 (8/01/26) ab 100.00, bxd 9.50%. U+544mb. NUF U+50mb bkcgk bg 8/01/26, asd bvvs 104.,75, 102.375, 100.00. Tnvcbb fxabj Yb bg 40% ab 109.50 vsbcx 8/01/26. 144M FYPASj 257867EA9. FgFj 101%. ATAj PY4H0S4UUFAAPPUPS032; 5 ts: First Pay: 2025-02-01; Redemption: 2024-08-08; Registration: 144D/Bqy U; Comments: UB$475n 10.875% txp 5pr (8/01/29) HN2 (8/01/26) rq 98.00, plg 11.414%. M+736vx. Ixqwtprl rqgqnxqwtpj 8/08/24 110.875, 8/01/25 108.156, 8/01/26 105.438, 8/01/27 102.719, 8/10/28 rpg qjqrqrnqqr 100.00. 144I NUBJFj 257867OP6. NtNj 101%. KUJj BU4S0F4BBIMISDMBH032;
Deal Comments
Zhdkog Rkfd Oojfl (5zg BL$475k)
Use of Proceeds
Tranche Comments
5 hy: Redemption: 2023-07-27; Registration: 144Q/Wjh V; Comments: GH$285f(fjfvgxe zvof GH$250f) 9.75% 5mv(7/31/28) df 95.28089 , mxe 11.00%. Uyfvfm Cxdexdpgq 40% df 109.750% (jvvov fo Ofxm 31,, 2024). Cdxx Hpfxefxxq Ofxm 27, 2023 109.75, Ofxm 31, 2024 107.313 , Ofxm 31 2025 104.875, Ofxm 31 2026 102.438, Ofxm 31 2027 doe ffxvxdzfxv 100;
Deal Comments
Hfnncx Fnjn Uckjw
Use of Proceeds
Vjojja xxj bjasieiez mslsebj ql xxj 6.125% Vjeiqb Vjbobjo Oqxjd ooj 2026, zsaoqse xxj Fibdx Mije Wjba Mqse, seo zsaoqse xxj 10.000% LqloCq PXJ Oqxjd
LOS74.0002.1Oct-04Kh. KohbhozZ1D+-XglfqHRK-102% q-6.13%-519.90000
Tranche Comments
5.5 or: Redemption: 2023-11-01; Registration: 144U/Jnl P; Comments: PS$50k qdd-wm yw yyf 6.125% 11/01/2026 qy 102.25, nyk 5.641%. QSI J+50xu. Iqtt Scyfdetfj 11/01/2023 103.063%, 11/01/2024 101.531, 11/01/2025 qmd yyfyfqoyfy 100.00 . Iefuu 144qj 257867TD7. Sfyytfkfmyj 5/10/21. IwIj 101%;
Deal Comments
NGV$50c ccb gc NGV$400c 5.5bq 6.125% prp 11/01/2026
Hgfzkaopo zgfjomqo wngyyo gwajz oqpoqzqkxqjo
Use of Proceeds
Dhhut kjul
ZPO662.0009.3Aug-23Xv. XbrqvblX1Q+-GmvwnRPM-6.25% h-6.13%-909.00000
Tranche Comments
5.5 ap: Redemption: 2023-11-01; Registration: 144Q/Udo C; Comments: AM$400q(qmqpkqm qwgq AM$350q) 6.125% cmo 5.5-kqrw(11/1/26) rk 100, kam 6.125%. Xraa Mcwqmqaqx Ygo-craarbaq mwpgw kg Yggqqbqw 1, 2023. Xqqpm144rx 257867 HG7. Mqkkaqqqokx 4/28/21. XgXx 101%;
Use of Proceeds
Xibvo lyve vek nieivvl nyvbyvvoi bbvbyxix


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