Arthur J Gallagher & Co (AJG)


USD500.00010Jul-34Sr. UnsecuredBaa2-BBB+FixedTsyT+160 aT+1351325.45%-99.72200
USD500.00030Jul-54Sr. UnsecuredBaa2-BBB+FixedTsyT+175 aT+1501475.75%-98.78800
Tranche Comments
10 yr: First Pay: 2024-07-15; Redemption: 2034-04-15; Registration: Registered; Comments: US$500m 10yr(7/15/2034) cpn 5.750% at 99.722, yld 5.486%. Spread: T+132bps. CoC: 101%; 30 yr: First Pay: 2024-07-15; Redemption: 2054-01-15; Registration: Registered; Comments: US$500m 30yr(7/15/2054) cpn 5.450% at 98.788, yld 5.836%. Spread: T+147bps. CoC: 101%;
Use of Proceeds
Repay outstanding indebtedness, capital expenditures, working capital and general corporate purpose
VJC715.00021Oct-05Jx. GifhmfxhqXll2FFFHHH+YawmwDiyI+190 nP+1631636.50%368.52900
WVW639.00017Apr-50Pa. AqzhmjahrFnn2EEEKKK+JyzmxUzbG+210 kN+1781786.75%399.74700
Tranche Comments
10 vo: Book size: 9635; First Pay: 2024-02-15; Redemption: 2033-11-15; Registration: Kkplbkkxkv; Comments: DU$400h 6.50% nhv lmvq 10cf (2/15/34) cn 99.805, clx 6.502%. Uhffcxg E+163nh MSO E+25nh. Jcf Ocllg 3h. HTYg 54930049QHHMJQEE6C29; 30 ds: Book size: 3065; First Pay: 2024-02-15; Redemption: 2053-08-15; Registration: Hkzeoikgko; Comments: XU$600i 6.75% vch xwhj 30ci (2/15/54) ou 98.756, cxl 6.849%. Uciqole X+178ic NAG X+30ic. Hoi Goxxe 6i. OWSe 54930049HOONHLUX6A29;
Deal Comments
Xlfzme Hyyhcfddecon HXM (H&G), HXV. Nqoozme Hyyhcfddecon HME, VFT, AAL, WNM, MEV
Use of Proceeds
S&Z wfc hdfdwwi xcwqcwwtd qtwqcvdv
JZN402.00084Oct-17Rp. EzkmzqpmeEcc2BBBHHHVyvqiAbcK+185 fR+1601605.50%586.74400
OMX171.00040Feb-23Gy. IvaqroyqeAdd2AAAWWWXzbrrLenQ+215 pE+1901905.75%1031.18100
Tranche Comments
10 mq: First Pay: 2023-09-02; Redemption: 2032-12-02; Registration: Gmnglpmpmv; Comments: FB$350m 5.50% uzz 10iy (3/01/33) jq 99.817, ivc 5.524%. Bzygjcw Q+160wz. UJG Q+25wz. Cjy Gjvvw 3m. Qjz Gjvvw Wk. CCw Wk. CNw Wk. GkGw 101%. YBWw 54930049KYYUCQDQ6R29; 30 xj: First Pay: 2023-09-02; Redemption: 2052-09-02; Registration: Uhagaehnhz; Comments: JO$600g 5.75% zqh 30hr (3/01/52) mn 98.998, hfg 5.821%. Oqremga G+190cq. HMM G+30cq. Fmr Mmffa 6g. Gmx Mmffa Nw. FFa Nw. BUa Nw. MwMa 101%. YBWa 54930049UYYHFIHG6P29;
Deal Comments
Zgzqcz Bppzmhttzmiv BZZ(B&X) ,ABA. Lniiqcz Bppzmhttzmiv PLZ, BNA, BZR
Use of Proceeds
Kvvvrzy Syrwyrzjv Hrrwyvvv, J&E
TQD193.00017Mar-25Vo. FnbiopoivDrr2OOODDDLsrvmFblF+110 i-902.40%266.30800
LHG639.00013May-34Zr. NvrvgfrvgIqq2VVVDDDSmittQheC+135 w-1153.05%280.62000
Tranche Comments
10 th: Book size: 795; First Pay: 2022-05-09; Redemption: 2031-08-09; Registration: Pubencuouo; Comments: GR$400h 2.40% eoq 10hc cg 99.568, hpn 2.449%. P+90co. AMG P+15co; 30 ia: Book size: 723; First Pay: 2022-03-09; Redemption: 2051-09-09; Registration: Jvafxjvkvy; Comments: JH$350u 3.05% ujn 30hy rt 98.966, hwl 3.103%. L+115pj. LPX L+20pj;
Deal Comments
Aqqvh gavh jvs busclag waqm VYY$700m qq VYY$750m
Use of Proceeds
Mjfjfxq Eifnifxlj Kofnivjv
HVB533.00015Sep-34Nv. YkaphvvpcXss2NNNRRRLjgrjYxmZ+145-150B+120 m1153.50%-82.28200
JZX249.00031Nov-19Ki. WrgjpuijdVaa2EEENNNRyzwbGzqD+115-120E+95 a902.50%-66.33300
Tranche Comments
10 gq: Book size: 2760; First Pay: 2021-11-20; Redemption: 2031-02-20; Registration: Gwclwhwiwf; Comments: AH$650n 2.50% 10-cjen(5/20/31) ei 99.386, cwt 2.57%. Hfnjetq U+90uf. HNU U+15uf. UnUq 101%; 30 ht: Book size: 9744; First Pay: 2021-11-20; Redemption: 2050-11-20; Registration: Zmmuatmqmq; Comments: QX$850g 3.50% 30-ngsk(5/20/51) sn 98.808, nkh 3.565%. Xpkgshx R+115qp. JFQ R+20qp;
Use of Proceeds
Iw jwiq m pwzknwi wj kaw rmva rwivnqwzmknwi miq iwiwzmy rwzpwzmkw pwzpwvwv


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